Saturday, December 20, 2008
The Year Past – The Year To Begin
The holiday season of 2008 is an especially important one. The past year and most importantly the past few months have been historic.
The economy is the most volatile it’s been since WWII. People have lost jobs, homes and savings. Our country is facing many changes with President Elect Obama who will be inaugurated into office on January 20, 2009. We’re all hoping for the best.
People are worried and even scared, but is that any reason to be unkind? During 2008 I noticed an increase of people who are rude and don’t go the extra mile. Isn’t treating people with kindness and respect the way we all should be treating our fellow man?
I’ve especially noticed this behavior in customer service people, who on an average are rude, and don’t help. When you are in a service industry it is essential to give the best service one can offer. We’re all stressed, but if each one of us would remember that our customers are just as stressed, and deserve to be treated with the utmost respect, everyone would benefit. It’s our job to help them. And sometimes, going the extra mile really makes a difference.
As we put 2008 behind us, we can only be positive and hope for that 2009 brings a better economy, and easier times for everyone. And we must remember that when offering our services to customers, that we give them the very best. After all – isn’t that how we like to be treated?
Let 2009 be the year of concentrated kindness and respect for others. What a difference it will make!
The economy is the most volatile it’s been since WWII. People have lost jobs, homes and savings. Our country is facing many changes with President Elect Obama who will be inaugurated into office on January 20, 2009. We’re all hoping for the best.
People are worried and even scared, but is that any reason to be unkind? During 2008 I noticed an increase of people who are rude and don’t go the extra mile. Isn’t treating people with kindness and respect the way we all should be treating our fellow man?
I’ve especially noticed this behavior in customer service people, who on an average are rude, and don’t help. When you are in a service industry it is essential to give the best service one can offer. We’re all stressed, but if each one of us would remember that our customers are just as stressed, and deserve to be treated with the utmost respect, everyone would benefit. It’s our job to help them. And sometimes, going the extra mile really makes a difference.
As we put 2008 behind us, we can only be positive and hope for that 2009 brings a better economy, and easier times for everyone. And we must remember that when offering our services to customers, that we give them the very best. After all – isn’t that how we like to be treated?
Let 2009 be the year of concentrated kindness and respect for others. What a difference it will make!
reak estate,
ross ellis halstead property,
Holiday Tipping in Apartment Buildings

The holiday season is here and it's time to start thinking about tipping for services in our apartment buildings.
For those living in Manhattan, holiday tipping is the norm and can seem endless.
While it's important to be generous, it's also important to be realistic about what you can afford. Especially in our current economic climate.
Tips in decent class buildings (not Park and Fifth Avenues) run between $20 and $300, and it's not uncommon for supers to accumulate well into the five figures.
Porters and doormen see anywhere between $2,000 and $10,000, depending on the size of the building.
Holiday tipping is a way to say ‘thank you' for services. And it's a big part of apartment service worker's compensation.
Some Manhattan apartment buildings pool tips so the workers receive one lump sum. Most leave it up to the individual resident.
I hope you will find the information below useful when tipping in your apartment building this holiday season!
Apartment Building Superintendent
$50-200. Tip less if you tip throughout the year.
Apartment Doorman/Concierge
$10-80 or more each, depending upon building. Those who serve you more should get a bigger tip.
Apartment Building Handyman And Porters
$15-40 each
Apartment Building Elevator Operators
USPS Mail Carrier
Non-cash gifts with value up to $20. This is for mail carriers that you know and see regularly.*
UPS - Regular Driver
Has no formal policy. Drivers don't expect tips but can accept them.
Not allowed to accept anything over the value of $75. No cash gifts accepted.
Newspaper Carrier
Daily - $25 - 50, weekend - $10
Regular Overnight Delivery Person
Parking Attendants
$10-30 each
These are suggested tips for Manhattan. Tips will vary throughout the rest of the country. Most importantly -- give what you can. If you are giving less this year, include a postscript saying "Wish it could be more" and your gift will be very appreciated.
During this holiday season, remember to take time for yourself so that you're not frazzled when entertaining.
And keep in mind - if you're planning on putting your apartment on the market, the holidays are a great time to do this. People who look for a home during the Holidays are more serious buyers! Serious buyers have fewer houses to choose from during the Holidays and less competition means more money for you!
Wishing you all the blessings of the holiday season,
Ross Ellis
Licensed Real Estate Agent
Halstead Property, LLC
Ask me about Love Our Children USA and Brokers Build at Habitat For Humanity
3rd Quarter Market Report _Manhattan Sales
I am pleased to provide the Manhattan Sales 3rd Quarter Market Report.
While the luxury market played a large role in increasing the value of the real estate market. The sales from those apartments have continued to aide the market, even as the national business media focuses on the ailing national economy.
Manhattan condo sales have slowed and inventory has grown, leaving developers to negotiate but not slash prices.
While the luxury market played a large role in increasing the value of the real estate market. The sales from those apartments have continued to aide the market, even as the national business media focuses on the ailing national economy.
Manhattan condo sales have slowed and inventory has grown, leaving developers to negotiate but not slash prices.
Holiday Giving
With the holidays upon us, it's a time to give gifts to our loved ones, friends and customers.
In a volatile economy gift buying could decrease for some. And at the same time there are wonderful groups doing important work whose donations are suffering.
This holiday season, rather than buying expensive gifts, I will be making donations to charity in the names of my loved ones, friends and customers. It's like giving twice!
Here is a list of top registered charities you may want to consider:
Alzheimer's Associaton
To eliminate Alzheimer's disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health.
American Cancer Society
The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service.
American Heart Association
Our mission is to build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. That single purpose drives all we do.
America's Second Harvest (New name is FEEDING AMERICA)
The nation's leading domestic hunger-relief charity
Brokers Build
Brokers Build is a campaign for real estate brokers to raise $1M to build homes with Habitat For Humanity in New York City
(Full Disclosure - the writer of this blog is a Broker Who Builds)
Darfur - Not On Our Watch
Focusing global attention and resources towards putting an end to mass atrocities around the world.
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS
The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation seeks to prevent pediatric HIV infection and to eradicate pediatric AIDS through research, advocacy, and prevention and treatment programs.
Feed The Children
Feed The Children provides food, medicine, clothing, educational materials and other essentials to children and their families domestically and internationally.
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity International is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry. HFHI seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action.
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation
JDRF is to find a cure for diabetes and its complications through the support of research.
Love Our Children USA
The national nonprofit leader in breaking the cycle of violence against children. It has become the ‘go-to' prevention organization for all forms of violence and neglect against children in the U.S.
(Full Disclosure - the writer of this blog is the founder and chief executive officer of this charity)
March Of Dimes
Dedicated to improving the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality.
MS Society
The MS Society is a collective of passionate individuals who want to do something about MS now-to move together toward a world free of multiple sclerosis. They help each person address the challenges of living with MS by funding cutting-edge research, driving change through advocacy, facilitating professional education, and providing programs and services that help people with MS and their families move their lives forward.
North Shore Animal League
North Shore Animal League America, headquartered in Port Washington, NY, is the largest no-kill animal rescue and adoption organization in the world.
ONE is Americans of all beliefs and every walk of life - united as ONE - to help make poverty history
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
St. Jude is unlike any other pediatric treatment and research facility. With research and patient care under one roof, St. Jude is where some of today's most gifted researchers are able to do science more quickly. All patients accepted for treatment at St. Jude are treated without regard to the family's ability to pay.
Stand Up To Cancer
Stand up to cancer raised funds for research in unprecedented effort to end cancer's reign as a leading cause of death
Starlight Starbright Childrens Foundation
Enhancing the lives of critically and terminally ill children through granting wishes and hospital programs
Full Disclosure - the writer of this blog is a volunteer with this Starlight Starbright Children's Foundation)
Susan G. Komen For The Cure
The largest grassroot network of people working together to save lives, empower people, ensure quality care, and energize science to find a cure.
Raises funds for programs and increasing awareness of the challenges facing the world's children. The oldest of 37 national committees for UNICEF worldwide, they are part of a global effort to save, protect and improve children's lives.
For other registered charities please visit
In a volatile economy gift buying could decrease for some. And at the same time there are wonderful groups doing important work whose donations are suffering.
This holiday season, rather than buying expensive gifts, I will be making donations to charity in the names of my loved ones, friends and customers. It's like giving twice!
Here is a list of top registered charities you may want to consider:
Alzheimer's Associaton
To eliminate Alzheimer's disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health.
American Cancer Society
The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service.
American Heart Association
Our mission is to build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. That single purpose drives all we do.
America's Second Harvest (New name is FEEDING AMERICA)
The nation's leading domestic hunger-relief charity
Brokers Build
Brokers Build is a campaign for real estate brokers to raise $1M to build homes with Habitat For Humanity in New York City
(Full Disclosure - the writer of this blog is a Broker Who Builds)
Darfur - Not On Our Watch
Focusing global attention and resources towards putting an end to mass atrocities around the world.
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS
The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation seeks to prevent pediatric HIV infection and to eradicate pediatric AIDS through research, advocacy, and prevention and treatment programs.
Feed The Children
Feed The Children provides food, medicine, clothing, educational materials and other essentials to children and their families domestically and internationally.
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity International is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry. HFHI seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action.
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation
JDRF is to find a cure for diabetes and its complications through the support of research.
Love Our Children USA
The national nonprofit leader in breaking the cycle of violence against children. It has become the ‘go-to' prevention organization for all forms of violence and neglect against children in the U.S.
(Full Disclosure - the writer of this blog is the founder and chief executive officer of this charity)
March Of Dimes
Dedicated to improving the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality.
MS Society
The MS Society is a collective of passionate individuals who want to do something about MS now-to move together toward a world free of multiple sclerosis. They help each person address the challenges of living with MS by funding cutting-edge research, driving change through advocacy, facilitating professional education, and providing programs and services that help people with MS and their families move their lives forward.
North Shore Animal League
North Shore Animal League America, headquartered in Port Washington, NY, is the largest no-kill animal rescue and adoption organization in the world.
ONE is Americans of all beliefs and every walk of life - united as ONE - to help make poverty history
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
St. Jude is unlike any other pediatric treatment and research facility. With research and patient care under one roof, St. Jude is where some of today's most gifted researchers are able to do science more quickly. All patients accepted for treatment at St. Jude are treated without regard to the family's ability to pay.
Stand Up To Cancer
Stand up to cancer raised funds for research in unprecedented effort to end cancer's reign as a leading cause of death
Starlight Starbright Childrens Foundation
Enhancing the lives of critically and terminally ill children through granting wishes and hospital programs
Full Disclosure - the writer of this blog is a volunteer with this Starlight Starbright Children's Foundation)
Susan G. Komen For The Cure
The largest grassroot network of people working together to save lives, empower people, ensure quality care, and energize science to find a cure.
Raises funds for programs and increasing awareness of the challenges facing the world's children. The oldest of 37 national committees for UNICEF worldwide, they are part of a global effort to save, protect and improve children's lives.
For other registered charities please visit
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Is The Manhattan Real Estate Market Holding Steady?
As a real estate agent in Manhattan, people often tell me they are sorry that things are so bad in real estate.
While I agree with that sentiment for many of my fellow brokers in hard hit areas across the country, the first quarter of 2008 in Manhattan did not show an ailing market at all. To the contrary, Manhattan real estate actually dramatically increased in value during that time.
The luxury market played a large role in increasing the value of the real estate market. The sales from those apartments have continued to aide the market, even as the national business media focuses on the ailing national economy.
Condo sales have slowed and inventory has grown, leaving developers to negotiate but not slash prices.
The Upper East Side has seen fewer increases compared to more popular and trendy neighborhoods.
Those who want to live on the Upper West Side are being priced out and looking farther north.
The greatest price cuts were in the West Village, where three changes brought the average net price change to $2.2 million.
While there is still ample concern over the future of the national market, it is doubtful that the Manhattan market will share the fate that markets across the country are enduring.
While I agree with that sentiment for many of my fellow brokers in hard hit areas across the country, the first quarter of 2008 in Manhattan did not show an ailing market at all. To the contrary, Manhattan real estate actually dramatically increased in value during that time.
The luxury market played a large role in increasing the value of the real estate market. The sales from those apartments have continued to aide the market, even as the national business media focuses on the ailing national economy.
Condo sales have slowed and inventory has grown, leaving developers to negotiate but not slash prices.
The Upper East Side has seen fewer increases compared to more popular and trendy neighborhoods.
Those who want to live on the Upper West Side are being priced out and looking farther north.
The greatest price cuts were in the West Village, where three changes brought the average net price change to $2.2 million.
While there is still ample concern over the future of the national market, it is doubtful that the Manhattan market will share the fate that markets across the country are enduring.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Working With Your Real Estate Agent
Finding the right home in Manhattan can take time and a lot of work. At times it can be overwhelming ...after all it's the most important decision you will make.
A licensed and professional Real Estate Agent can help navigate the process from beginning to end --- and even after your closing --- applying their expertise to your search to get you the results you deserve.
Using the right Agent can make all the difference between finding the home you have always wanted and frustration. Find an agent who can open the right doors for you. Find an agent who listens.
Look for an Agent, not a property since you'll be spending much of your time with this person, read agent biographies, request recommendations, even call to interview them. Communication is 80% of the process, so make sure you and your agent connect.
Share all requested information. Letting your agent know what you want is the first step to successful communication. Many factors play a part in the selection of properties for you to view and there are a wide variety of properties in New York City. Give your agent a complete picture of you and your needs to avoid wasting time looking at properties that does not suit your lifestyle. Make a wish list. You may not get everything on your list, but a good agent will work to get you as much of your wish list as possible.
When looking at properties, give your agent a piece of your mind.While looking at properties, let your agent know what resonates with you for each property. A good agent will consider all of the input you have given throughout the relationship when selecting properties to see, not just your initial requirements. Perhaps your reaction to a property will bring to mind another option they would have otherwise struck from the list. As you see more properties with your agent, they will get to know how they can best assist you.
Be Open. Never feel that you have to hold back in your assessment of a property, your assessment of a contract, or your feelings on a situation. Your agent is there to help you and the more they know, the better off you are.
Pick one agent to assist you. In Manhattan, every agent has access to the same group of listings through RLS (REBNY Listing Exchange Service) which acts similarly to the MLS. Working with multiple agents will just make more work for you, in that you will have to manage a team of people, field many phone calls and emails, learn of duplicate properties and make the search for your home all that more overwhelming.
Whether you're a buyer or seller, pick the agent who is right for you and work exclusively with them. Your agent works for you and if you choose the right agent for your needs, you'll find that the process of buying or selling a home is not nearly as daunting as you think -- because your agent will do all of the work. A good real estate agent is worth their weight in gold!
A licensed and professional Real Estate Agent can help navigate the process from beginning to end --- and even after your closing --- applying their expertise to your search to get you the results you deserve.
Using the right Agent can make all the difference between finding the home you have always wanted and frustration. Find an agent who can open the right doors for you. Find an agent who listens.
Look for an Agent, not a property since you'll be spending much of your time with this person, read agent biographies, request recommendations, even call to interview them. Communication is 80% of the process, so make sure you and your agent connect.
Share all requested information. Letting your agent know what you want is the first step to successful communication. Many factors play a part in the selection of properties for you to view and there are a wide variety of properties in New York City. Give your agent a complete picture of you and your needs to avoid wasting time looking at properties that does not suit your lifestyle. Make a wish list. You may not get everything on your list, but a good agent will work to get you as much of your wish list as possible.
When looking at properties, give your agent a piece of your mind.While looking at properties, let your agent know what resonates with you for each property. A good agent will consider all of the input you have given throughout the relationship when selecting properties to see, not just your initial requirements. Perhaps your reaction to a property will bring to mind another option they would have otherwise struck from the list. As you see more properties with your agent, they will get to know how they can best assist you.
Be Open. Never feel that you have to hold back in your assessment of a property, your assessment of a contract, or your feelings on a situation. Your agent is there to help you and the more they know, the better off you are.
Pick one agent to assist you. In Manhattan, every agent has access to the same group of listings through RLS (REBNY Listing Exchange Service) which acts similarly to the MLS. Working with multiple agents will just make more work for you, in that you will have to manage a team of people, field many phone calls and emails, learn of duplicate properties and make the search for your home all that more overwhelming.
Whether you're a buyer or seller, pick the agent who is right for you and work exclusively with them. Your agent works for you and if you choose the right agent for your needs, you'll find that the process of buying or selling a home is not nearly as daunting as you think -- because your agent will do all of the work. A good real estate agent is worth their weight in gold!
15 Tips For Packing Like A Pro When Moving To Your New Home
1. Plan ahead by organizing and budgeting. Develop a master "to do" list so you won't forget something critical. To estimate costs, get quotes from two or three reputable movers.
2. Sort and get rid of things you no longer want or need. Have a garage sale, donate to a charity, or recycle.
3. Don't throw out everything. If you're inclined to toss it, you're probably right. But one can go overboard in the heat of the moment. Ask yourself how frequently you use an item and how you'd feel if you no longer had it. That will eliminate regrets after your move.
4. Pack like items together. Put toys with toys, kitchen utensils with kitchen utensils. Your life will be easier when it's time to unpack.
5. Decide what, if anything, you plan to move yourself. Precious items such as family photos, valuable breakables, or must-haves during the move should probably stay with you. Don't forget to keep a "necessities" bag with tissues, snacks, and other items you'll need that day.
6. Use the right box for the item. Loose items are prone to breakage.
7. Put heavy items in small boxes so they're easier to lift. Keep weight of each box under 50 pounds, if possible.
8. Don't over-pack boxes. That will increase the chances that items inside the box will break.
9. Wrap every fragile item separately and pad bottom and sides of boxes.
10. Label every box on all sides. You never know how they'll be stacked and you don't want to have to move other boxes aside to find out what's there.
11. Use color-coded labels to indicate which room each item should go in. Color-code a floor plan for your new house to help movers.
12. Keep your moving documents together in a file. Including important phone numbers, driver's name, and moving van number. Also keep your address book handy.
13. Back up your computer files before moving your computer.
14. Remember, most movers won't take plants. If you don't want to leave them behind, plan on moving them yourself.
15. Inspect each box and all furniture for damage as soon as it arrives.
2. Sort and get rid of things you no longer want or need. Have a garage sale, donate to a charity, or recycle.
3. Don't throw out everything. If you're inclined to toss it, you're probably right. But one can go overboard in the heat of the moment. Ask yourself how frequently you use an item and how you'd feel if you no longer had it. That will eliminate regrets after your move.
4. Pack like items together. Put toys with toys, kitchen utensils with kitchen utensils. Your life will be easier when it's time to unpack.
5. Decide what, if anything, you plan to move yourself. Precious items such as family photos, valuable breakables, or must-haves during the move should probably stay with you. Don't forget to keep a "necessities" bag with tissues, snacks, and other items you'll need that day.
6. Use the right box for the item. Loose items are prone to breakage.
7. Put heavy items in small boxes so they're easier to lift. Keep weight of each box under 50 pounds, if possible.
8. Don't over-pack boxes. That will increase the chances that items inside the box will break.
9. Wrap every fragile item separately and pad bottom and sides of boxes.
10. Label every box on all sides. You never know how they'll be stacked and you don't want to have to move other boxes aside to find out what's there.
11. Use color-coded labels to indicate which room each item should go in. Color-code a floor plan for your new house to help movers.
12. Keep your moving documents together in a file. Including important phone numbers, driver's name, and moving van number. Also keep your address book handy.
13. Back up your computer files before moving your computer.
14. Remember, most movers won't take plants. If you don't want to leave them behind, plan on moving them yourself.
15. Inspect each box and all furniture for damage as soon as it arrives.
Summer in New York City
Whether you live in New York City, you're in New York City searching for a new home or just visiting, you cannot afford to miss the joys of this amazing metropolis in the summer.
From Bryant Park to Lincoln Center, Central Park, Hudson River Park, Uni0on Square Park and many others, there are musical performances and free outdoor films (including the HBO Bryant Park Film Festival and RiverWalk Film Festival) beneath the stars all summer long.Amazing concerts such as:
• Central Park Summerstage Free!Frequent summer concerts at the Central Park Summerstage, located at Rumsey Playfield. Some concerts are benefits, but many are free!
• New York Philharmonic in the Parks Free!From June 24- July 15, 2008 the New York Philharmonic will perform in New York City parks.
• Metropolitan Opera in the Parks Free!On June 20, 2008 the Metropolitan Opera will perform in Prospect Park.
• Naumburg Orchestral Concerts 2008 Free!The oldest free outdoor concert series in the US, the Naumburg features symphonic and semi-classical music on select Tuesdays and Wednesdays in Central Park's Naumburg Bandshell.
• GMA's Summer Concerts Free!On Friday mornings in May - August, be a part of Good Morning America's audience in Bryant Park and see popular acts, including the Josh Groban and Chaka Kahn.
• NBC's Today Show Summer Concerts Free!On Friday mornings (mostly) from April - August catch some great performers at Rockefeller Center and a chance to be seen on TV!
• Broadway in Bryant Park Free!On Thursdays at 12:30 from July 10 - August 14, see performances from popular Broadway shows live in Bryant Park.
• 50th Annual Washington Square Music Festival Free!On select Tuesdays in July (and one Saturday in June) you can enjoy this free outdoor concert series.
• Mad Sq Music Free!Free concerts on select Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. from June 18 - August 6, 2008.
• Free For All At Town Hall Free!Free classical concerts at Town Hall on Sundays in April and May. Free tickets are distributed beginning at noon on the day of the concert.
• Mostly MozartThe 40th Season of this Lincoln Center series dedicated to the works of Mozart runs from July 29-August 23, 2008.
• Lincoln Center FestivalBallet, music, dance, and more are featured throughout the festival which runs from July 2-27, 2008. Some free events.
• JVC JazzFestFrom June 15-28, 2008 the JVC Jazz Festival will be in New York City. There are free events, as well as a series of shows at popular venues.
• Summer in the Square Free!On Wednesdays, June 19 - August 14, 2008 Union Square is host to a lunchtime concerts, afternoon yoga classes and evening performances.
• Lincoln Center Out Of Doors Free!Over 100 different events including world music, internationally acclaimed dance, cutting-edge performances, special events, cool jazz, and fun for kids from August 7-24, 2008.
• Clinton Concert Series Free!See free concerts in Clinton Cove Park at 55th Street and Pier 84 at 44th Street on select Monday evenings from June - September.
• Cityparks Concerts Free!In July & August, free concerts will be held at many of New York City's neighborhood parks
• Harlem Meer Performance Festival Free!Jazz, blues, gospel and latin music every Sunday afternoon at the Harlem Meer in Central Park.
• River Rocks Free!Check out these free concerts on Pier 54 in Hudson River Park (at 14th Street) on July 10, 31, and August 14, 2008.
• Summergarden Free!Concerts presented in the MoMA Sculpture Garden every other Sunday evening July 6 - August 24.
• Summer JazzEnjoy jazz concerts at the Scandinavia House in June and July. Admission $12-15.
Awaiting 2008 Updates
• River To River Festival Free!From May to September, the Downtown NYC River to River Festival features a variety of musical performances, as well as movies, readings and more.
• Charlie Parker Jazz Festival Free!On Saturday August 25 and Sunday August 26, experience the Charlie Parker Jazz Festival in two Manhattan parks where Parker lived and worked.
• Seaside Concert Series Free!On Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. in Asser Levy Park from July 12 - August 23, check out popular musical acts like Liza Minnelli and Al Green.
• Martin Luther Jr. Concert Series Free!On Monday evenings at Wingate Field check out these free concerts featuring top R&B, soul, reggae and gospel performers.
• Broadway Under the Stars Free!On June 26 at 8 p.m. Broadway performers and a full orchestra will entertain the audience on Central Park's Great Lawn with music and choreography from popular Broadway shows.
Central Park and Shakespeare in the Park, the museums ( the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Guggenheim, the Whitney and many others), Times Square, Broadway shows (see a Broadway show where the proceeds go to keep children safe) or purchase tickets at , walking tours, Little Italy, Chinatown, the shopping, nightlife, arts and entertainment, a Yankees or Mets game, street fairs and the myriad of restaurants await you.
Summer in New York City offers dining at some of the most incredible restaurants including outdoor sidewalk dining. NYC Restaurant Week Summer 2008 with dates to be released soon offers the best prices in town for dining at the best restaurants.
And from May 15, 2008- August 8, 2008 - Private Dining Discount at the '21' Club 21 West 52nd Street 212-582-1400 Receive a 15% reduction on food and beverage pricing when you book and hold an event in one of our ten private rooms now through August 8 2008. Please mention this offer from at time of booking. Visit for complete terms and conditions.
No matter what your reason for spending time in New York City this summer, New York has much to offer!
Enjoy your summer in New york City!!!
7 Ecohealth Home Principles

According to Michelle A. Roberts, founder and Creator of Ecohealth Homes Inspired By Caroline McKennasm there are 7 Ecohealth home principles to live by:
To read more about living green click here.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Manhattan Real Estate Slower, But Still Not In A Slump - It’s A Good time For Buyers
Foreclosures across the country are increasing in numbers, but not in Manhattan.
The reason is partly due to closings at 15 Central Park West and The Plaza, and partly because of the increase of foreign buyers. Additionally there has been activity from domestic buyers with new Manhattan developments.
The median sales price of Manhattan condo, co-op and cond-op apartments dropped in January from the month prior to $850,000 from $928,378 — a 9.2 percent change.
According to Wells Fargo Economics, the April 2008 economic data showed a fair amount of economic stabilization, suggesting the slump hasn't gained much momentum. Economists have responded by scaling back their worst-case scenarios of deep recession, and risk aversion has ebbed in the fixed income and stock markets.
As of April 2008, New York City Added 48,100 Jobs during Past 12 Months:
• This represents a 1.3% increase for the twelve months ending April 2007.
• Sharp gains in the financial and services sectors helped offset the continued loss of manufacturing jobs in the City.
• The national economy added 1.866 million jobs over the past 12 months, a 1.4 % increase.
New York City Inflation below the Nation’s
• For the first time since March of 2006, the annual change in CPI for the New York area was below that of the nation.
• Prices grew at an annual pace of 2.5% in the New York area during April, led by higher energy prices.
The reason is partly due to closings at 15 Central Park West and The Plaza, and partly because of the increase of foreign buyers. Additionally there has been activity from domestic buyers with new Manhattan developments.
The median sales price of Manhattan condo, co-op and cond-op apartments dropped in January from the month prior to $850,000 from $928,378 — a 9.2 percent change.
According to Wells Fargo Economics, the April 2008 economic data showed a fair amount of economic stabilization, suggesting the slump hasn't gained much momentum. Economists have responded by scaling back their worst-case scenarios of deep recession, and risk aversion has ebbed in the fixed income and stock markets.
As of April 2008, New York City Added 48,100 Jobs during Past 12 Months:
• This represents a 1.3% increase for the twelve months ending April 2007.
• Sharp gains in the financial and services sectors helped offset the continued loss of manufacturing jobs in the City.
• The national economy added 1.866 million jobs over the past 12 months, a 1.4 % increase.
New York City Inflation below the Nation’s
• For the first time since March of 2006, the annual change in CPI for the New York area was below that of the nation.
• Prices grew at an annual pace of 2.5% in the New York area during April, led by higher energy prices.
While financing is definitely more difficult to obtain, interest rates are lower and it's a favorable time to buy in New York City.
Buyers may not get the deal of the century in Manhattan, but there is definitely room for negotiation.
Any domestic buyer who is hesitant to purchase in Manhattan may want to rethink and buy now. And for foreign buyers, there is now more inventory than in months before.
Buyers who are ready to purchase - domestic or foreign should consult a professional real estate agent who knows the New York market and who can negotiate on their behalf.
Foreign Buyers,
New York City,
Real Estate,
Real Estate Investors,
Ross Ellis
Living In The Neighborhoods Of Manhattan
No matter where you choose to live in New York City, living here is like no other place in the world. New York City offers Broadway, entertainment, world class museums and art galleries, fashion, shopping, restaurants, finance, diverse and interesting neighborhoods, sports, Central Park and so much more.
No matter what you're looking for, you'll find it in New York City.
Learn more below about the Manhattan neighborhood you want to live in. Should you have any questions about living in any of these neighborhoods, please feel free to contact me and I will be delighted to assist you.
Battery Park City
Lying on the southern tip of Manhattan, Battery Park City offers expansive greenery, tree-lined streets and spectacular water views. The quiet calm of this self-contained neighborhood feels more suburban-like than Manhattan. One of the city's newest neighborhoods, it hosts many luxury hi-rise apartments which blend with the nearby colonial buildings and vestiges of the country's earliest days in the financial district. Covering over 90 acres, Battery Park City is bounded by Chambers Street in the North to Pier A, and West Street to the East to the Hudson River. Residents can enjoy waterfront walks, biking along the esplanade and the myriad galleries of nearby Tribeca. Many families and professionals also enjoy the proximity to the financial district, making it easy to get to and from work. Battery City Park sports a Marina, free outdoor concerts at the South Street Seaport and Winter Garden, and boats sailing off to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.
Carnegie Hill
One of Manhattan's most prestigious neighborhoods located on the Upper East Side. Extending from 86th Street to 96th Street and from Lexington Avenue to Central Park, this wealthy locale has some of the most elegant shops and restaurants, which line Madison Avenue, in the entire city. Carnegie Hill consists of luxury apartment buildings, both coops and condos, as well as many exquisite townhouses. The prewar buildings demonstrate some of the most beautiful architecture in all of New York City. Home to the Museum Mile, which includes the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Guggenheim Museum and the Jewish Museum, Carnegie Hill, offers a large variety of cultural activities. Chelsea Until recent years, Chelsea was said to be the heart of the Garment and Flower districts. Today, it is one of the city's hottest zip codes. Considered a fashionable place to live, it began as farmland in the early 1800's, becoming more commercial later that century with the coming of an above ground railroad.
is located between 34th street and Greenwich Village on the West Side. It is full of off Broadway theaters, new art galleries, and fine restaurants as well as the landmark Chelsea Hotel, a favorite of many famous artists, writers and musicians. During seasonal art openings, the area buzzes with gallery-hoppers that are as interesting to gaze at as the art itself. Chelsea is also home to several popular weekend flea markets and New York City's most modern, state-of-the-art sports complex. Chelsea Piers is a large complex where you can ice skate, drive golf balls, hit inside batting cages or bowl; it also features a health club and many sports leagues. The architecture in this area is unique. East of Ninth Avenue, the spacious and stylish loft warehouses give way to stunning landmark townhouses, prewar co-ops and new luxury high-rise buildings. Traditionalists will appreciate Historic Chelsea's Cushman Row, located between Ninth and Tenth Avenues on 20th Street.
Chinatown Home to narrow streets and strong vibrant ethnic camaraderie, Chinatown is one of the most well known and interesting places in the New York City. It extends from Canal Street to Worth Street and from 6th Avenue to Bowery. It is a very popular tourist destination but now is becoming more and more of a new trendy residential area. Chinatown's growth and expansion has made it one the largest Asian communities in the entire world. Canal Street is the heart of this area, with a large number of vendors selling many different goods with great bargains.
Formerly a large industrial district in the 19th century, this has now become one of Manhattans newest charms. Clinton, once referred to as Hell's kitchen, is located on the west side. Its boundaries are 59th Street to the North, 8th Avenue to the East, 42nd Street to the South and the Hudson River to the West. When most of the peep shows and adult video stores moved out over the last couple of decades many business' (most notably Disney and MTV) and new developers moved in to clean up and restore the area. Clinton is home to many young professionals as well as many lifetime residents, most who are all very active in local politics and their neighborhood community. Many of the buildings in this neighborhood tend to be four to six floors however; there are also several new state of the art luxury high rise buildings close to the river. Just like most of Manhattan, Clinton has its share of fine restaurants and also contains a lot of fresh food markets popular among residents and tourist alike.
East Harlem
Also known as Spanish Harlem or El Barrio, East Harlem has a good deal of culture and a real neighborhood feel. The neighborhood stretches from 96th to 125th Street between 5th and 1st Avenues on the East Side. Predominantly Spanish speaking, East Harlem is a very tightly knit community where people sit outside watching life go by and catching up with their neighbors. Although it is thought by some to be a tough neighborhood, redevelopment of many older buildings is transforming East Harlem into one of Manhattan's new and upcoming areas. With its cultural and Latin flavor, East Harlem boasts some of the city's best and most inexpensive restaurants. Fill up on steaming chili rellenos and head out some salsa dancing!
East Village The East Village is one of the more unique neighborhoods in the City with a "happening" reputation and colorful past. While the areas close to Fifth Avenue have always been popular, revitalization further east has transformed the East Village into an entity of its own. Once considered the stepsister of the West Village, the East Village is catching up to its neighbor with its own trendy cafes, boutiques, and art galleries. In its early years, the East Village was home to the Stuyvesants, Astors, and Vanderbilts. The neighborhood then saw waves of immigrant groups followed by the Beat, Hippie and Punk generations - each leaving its imprint.
Located in lower Manhattan, the area stretches from 14th Street to Houston Street and from Bowery Street to the East River. The East Village consists mostly of walkups, which are being renovated; conventional high-rise apartment buildings are not as prevalent. While it still maintains a hip, happening feel, the East Village is seeing more families arrive, and many young professionals now call it home. The refurbished Tompkins Park is the main park in the East Village, offering a welcome respite from city life.
Fashion Center
The Fashion Center, also known as the Garment District, has undergone tremendous change over the past few years. New York's dynamic fashion-design hub is now becoming its own diverse residential community. What is drawing people is not just the reams of beautiful garments - it's the convenient location in the heart of Midtown West, the mix of housing, and the close proximity to many restaurants, commercial offices, retail stores, and public transportation. These pluses play well against the backdrop of style, cutting-edge clothes, millions of shoppers flocking to snap up the bargains, and F.I.T's bright-eyed hopefuls aiming to be the next Ralph Lauren or Donna Karan. Other highlights are Macy's, Madison Square Garden and Penn Station.
Bordered by Fifth and Eighth Avenues, the area runs from 34th Street to Times Square (42nd Street). Among its blend of low and high-rise apartment buildings, "Fashion Central" is seeing a number of luxury buildings go up. Still growing, this neighborhood is likely to become ever and ever more desirable.
Financial District
The Financial District, birthplace of New York City and the nation, is one of the most historic and intriguing neighborhoods in the U.S. Full of winding, cobblestone streets and historic buildings, the Financial District sits on the Southern tip of the island. It is now undergoing major restoration and is again considered one of New York's City's special gems. Wall Street is the focal point of this neighborhood - a narrow street that is home to the New York and American Stock Exchanges. South Street Seaport is also a very popular destination. It boasts many shops, restaurants, bars and antique ships that have been converted into floating museums. During the day, the Financial District is as busy if not busier than any other neighborhood in the world; however, at night, there is a lot of peace and quiet.
In 1995, the Mayor started an Economic Revitalization Program in the neighborhood that began with 5,000 new apartments and the prospect of 7,000 more. Many of the older, large office buildings have been converted to residential space with spectacular views of the water and the Statue of Liberty. The neighborhood has emerged as an around-the-clock community for working, living and entertaining. It offers an elegant residential neighborhood, world-class cultural institutions, and a center for music, dance and visual arts events.
The Flatiron District, with its convenient central location, is popular among older business people, young artists and frenzied shoppers alike. Located on the east side, the neighborhood extends from 14th Street to 23rd Street and is bounded by Park Avenue South to the East and 6th Avenue to the West. The district gets its name from the Flatiron building, the first steel-framed building, famous for its triangular shape and also the tallest building in the world in 1903. You can enjoy the sophisticated Restaurant Row on Park Avenue South, large discounters like Filenes' Basement along Sixth Avenue, and classier shopping on Fifth and Broadway. Madison Square Park is a wonderful, renovated spot to walk your dog or just sit on a bench and enjoy the scenery. The Flatiron District has some of the most detailed and beautiful architecture in Manhattan as well and many huge, airy lofts.
Fort George
Home to the last colonial residence in Manhattan, Fort George is full of history and tradition. The Morris-Jumel Mansion was the headquarters of General George Washington during the Revolutionary War. Fort George extends from West 155th Street to West 181st Street and is bordered by Fort Washington Park and the Hudson River to the West and the Harlem River to the East. Most apartments in the area are in prewar buildings and are very spacious. Only 15 minutes by subway to Midtown Manhattan, this location is appealing for people who want to live in Manhattan but not in the bustling business districts. Most residents here are artists, writers and middle class workers who are very family and community orientated. Fort George is an exciting community, with many different ethnicities and cultures, and an increasingly popular residential neighborhood.
Gramercy Park
Gramercy Park is one of New York's most historic and unique neighborhoods. Centrally located on the East Side, residents have the convenience of living downtown (Soho, Noho and the Village are just blocks away) coupled with a sophistication generally reserved for the toniest uptown neighborhoods. This pristine area extends from 14th to 24th Street between Fifth and First Avenues. With many prewar and post war buildings, the true elegance of Gramercy Park is displayed by the beautiful 19th century townhouses, Victorian brownstones, and prewar buildings surrounding the park - built by such famous architects such as Emery Roth and Calvert Vaux. Gramercy Park gets its name from the only private park in the city. Key access is needed and is given to those who live on the perimeter of the park. Known as the oldest residential neighborhood, Gramercy is also home to many fabulous restaurants, trendy nightspots and lots of great shopping. Given its many charms and convenience, this safe, tight-knit neighborhood draws young professionals and older residents alike.
Greenwich Village
The small, winding tree-lined streets with magnificent 19th century townhouses are only part of what makes Greenwich Village such an alluring place to call home. What began as a peaceful suburb when it was founded is now one of the liveliest neighborhoods in the city. In lower Manhattan, the Village is bounded by 14th Street in the North to Houston Street and Fourth Avenue in the East to Seventh Avenue. Washington Square Park is the center of the Village with its large arch, marking the first presidential inauguration that took place in New York City. Also home to New York University, Greenwich Village boasts a wide variety of events and residents. With bright-eyed students, rosy-cheeked families, artists, celebrities, Wall Street professionals, and old-timers, the village is for anyone and everyone. This neighborhood breathes life with crowded cafs, street vendors, popular music and nightspots. Even though most of the residences are older buildings and townhouses, there are also beautiful new modern buildings, making it easy for anyone to find the ideal home.
Hamilton Heights
Located in upper Manhattan, Hamilton Heights extends from 140th Street to 145 Streets and from St. Nicholas Avenue to Amsterdam Avenue East to West. This exclusively residential neighborhood was once owned by General Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton Heights is a historic locale with three landmarks; the summer home of Alexander Hamilton, St. Luke's Episcopal Church, and the Convent Avenue Baptist Church. A very distinctive area with a lot of unique architecture, Hamilton Heights has beautifully maintained townhouses along tree lined streets. Constructed by many famous architects, most of the home contain garden separating them from the street. The styles differ from Flemish to Tudor to new renaissance to classical and most are one family houses. In addition to the magnificent homes, the City College Campus of the City University of New York is situated around the lovely St. Nicholas Park.HarlemIf you are looking for a location with history, flair, culture and affordability, then Harlem may just be what you are looking for. This upper Manhattan neighborhood has undergone a renaissance. Starting at 116th Street and extending north to the Harlem River, Harlem has many new developments, commercial and retail space. As such, it's becoming a popular destination for all types of people. Even Bill Clinton has moved in! With its new construction, Harlem hasn't lost its old historic flavor. There are still many prewar buildings and enchanting 19th century townhouses equipped with fireplaces and molding and lovely backyards. Harlem is home to Columbia University and the world renowned Apollo Theater where such greats as Duke Ellington, Count Basie, and Aretha Franklin performed. The new Harlem Center is finally here, and more and more businesses are flocking in to meet the needs of this resurrected neighborhood. So hop on up to Harlem and enjoy the pulsating beat and affordable housing!
Kips Bay
What was once a bay, Kips Bay is now a quiet and comfortable location on the East Side of Manhattan. Somewhat understated until recently, this neighborhood east of Third Avenue between 27th and 34th Streets, is becoming more and more popular with stylish young professionals. Some might say it's the lure of the fantastic ethnic restaurants along Lexington and Third Avenues (now dubbed Curry Hill) that has drawn new residents to the area. Others might say it's the enjoyable evening entertainment. The real draw, though, is its proximity to Midtown's business district and Downtown's nightlife. Both are only a walk or short ride away. Because of its smart locale, new boutiques and businesses have also moved in. Notably, Kips Bay is the center of Medicine in the city. It is home to the New York University School of Medicine and Dentistry, Bellevue Hospital, and the Chief Medical Examiners Office. As result, many doctors and hospital staff live here too. Most of Kip Bay's residents live in attractive apartment buildings, as many of the brownstones and townhouses are gone.
Lenox Hill
Lenox Hill is one of the Upper East Sides most affluent neighborhoods. It extends from 77th Street to 66th Street north to south and from Lexington Avenue to Central Park east to west. This area is filled with many luxury apartment buildings, both co-ops and condos, as well eye-catching townhouses. The elegant and sophisticated neighborhood also has many first rate restaurants and shops on Lexington Avenue as well as boutiques, art galleries and hotels on Madison Avenue. The Whitney Museum of American Art, The Asia Society and the Frick Collection are all major cultural attractions located in the heart of Lenox Hill.
Lincoln Square
Home to the Metropolitan Opera House, the New York Philharmonic, the Julliard School and many other cultural institutions, Lincoln Center is the biggest performing arts center in the United States. What was completed in 1968 now is the center of the Lincoln Square area. This neighborhood is located between 62nd and 66th Streets on the West Side between West End Avenue and Central Park West. This artistic menagerie has a many different types of cuisine, hotels as well as popular night spots. Lincoln Square is surrounded by many new state of the art condominium buildings as well as co-ops and townhouses.
Little Italy
Lined with small cafes and beckoning ristorantes, Little Italy's narrow streets are alive with the smells of fresh bread, garlicky pasta and the sweet sounds of "la dolce vida". North of Canal Street, Little Italy runs from Mulberry to Mott Streets and Bowery to Lafayette Street. Even though it has gotten smaller due to nearby Chinatown's expansion, it still has not lost its flair for life and mouth-watering cuisine. The streets are lined with vendors and Italian culture is demonstrated to its fullest. Every September, the streets are closed for the famous Feast of San Gennaro celebration. With its color and convenient location to downtown and many distinct neighborhoods, Little Italy is drawing many new, young residents. It is made up primarily of multi-tenant style buildings, along with some of the city's most creative new developments, providing some of the more affordable homeowner options in the city.
Lower East Side
What was once the world's largest Jewish community has now become one of the most eclectic in all of Manhattan. The Lower East Side is home to designers, writers, professionals, musicians and artists not to mention the myriad different ethnic groups that grace this neighborhood. Old-world shops sit side by side with funky, new boutiques and galleries that showcase the best of New York's avant-garde fashion scene. With many bargain stores, edgy new nightspots, ethnic restaurants and music venues, this neighborhood is truly for everyone. The Lower East Side is bounded by Houston Street, the East River, and FDR Drive. Over the past two decades, this neighborhood has undergone a major renaissance for the better. It is now much safer and cleaner, and its mixture of the old and the new makes it fascinating. Refurbished lofts and duplexes, as well as turn of the century walk-up buildings, are common. With the growth of the neighborhood, it is no surprise that prices have increased and more trendy shops and restaurants have emerged.
Manhattan Valley
Manhattan Valley occupies the area between Central Park West and Broadway from 100th Street to 110th Street on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. This working class neighborhood is becoming more and more of a desirable location to live. With its proximity to Columbia University, many students, staff and faculty are calling Manhattan Valley home. Named for the slope of Manhattan Avenue, this neighborhood has a few quiet blocks with gorgeous townhouses and brownstones. Also, there are many tenement buildings that are being restored and renovated. One can notice the culture and distinctive architecture along Central Park. Amsterdam Avenue and Broadway have many restaurants and bars and many retail stores have opened in the past few years.
This neighborhood was once a small village in the 19th century that flourished during the Industrial Revolution. Centered around 125th Street and Broadway on the West Side, Manhattanville was once the residential, manufacturing and transportation hubs of New York City because of its access to the Hudson River. Today, the neighborhood still contains its religious and educational institutions and Columbia University is also expanding its campus into this West Harlem locale.
Midtown East
One of the liveliest business sections in the city, Midtown East offers beautiful new luxury buildings as well as old world charm. Located between 30th and 59th Streets on the East Side, this area is home to many corporations such as Met Life and Citicorp as well as the United Nations. The center of Midtown East is Grand Central Station, which has been magnificently renovated, and is an architectural marvel lined with shops and restaurants. With the art deco Chrysler Building illuminating the skyline, every style of home is available in this neighborhood. New luxury high-rise buildings are popular among professionals who choose to live close to work. Townhouses and prewar buildings are also available, with many in the elegant and upscale Beekman area, located between 49th and 51st Streets from First Avenue to the East River. There are also reasonably priced studios and one-bedroom apartments located closer to First and Second Avenues. Despite being one of the busiest places by day, there is no shortage of nightlife here. Numerous delicious restaurants, alluring shops, and jazzy local bars keep residents alive at night.\
Midtown West
Many consider Midtown West to be the heart of New York City. It is the center of business, entertainment, shopping, and tourism in Manhattan and has undergone a major renovation since the mid 1990's. Extending from 34th to 59th Street between Fifth Avenue and the Hudson River, this bustling neighborhood is filled with life and many New York City tourist destinations. Times Square, the Theater District on Broadway, Radio City Music Hall, Carnegie Hall and Rockefeller Center are all found in Midtown West. Real estate development has been the main part of the renovation as many luxury high-rise building have been built in the area. This is a very attractive place to live due to its location. The ability to walk to work, and the great nightlife that Midtown West enjoys, are only two of the many reasons why this area meets its residents' every need.
Morningside Heights
Morningside Heights extends from 110th to 125th Street between Morningside Park to the East and the Hudson River to the West. This West Side neighborhood is home to the ivied walls of Columbia University. Columbia University is located between 114th Street and 120th Street. Morningside Heights is made up primarily of prewar co-ops, and has a variety of residents. Many students, faculty, and staff of Columbia live in the area, as do many original New Yorkers.
Known as one of the safest neighborhoods, this has been a comfortable and quiet community in the past. It is now becoming more interesting and lively with the addition of some alluring new businesses. But even though many scholarly bookstores, tasty restaurants, cafes and bars have graced Morningside Heights, it has not lost any of its charm. Bounded by two parks (Morningside and Riverside Parks), this neighborhood is home to some wonderful architecture and two magnificent churches. The gothic Riverside Church, overlooks the Hudson. This stunning beauty, with the world's largest 20-ton church bell, is a sight to behold. Also, you'll find the arresting St. John the Devine, the country's largest cathedral, and a flourishing center of community activity.
Murray Hill
Known as both a quiet, comfortable neighborhood and one teeming with nightlife, Murray Hill has come a long way since its day as farmland. Many ethnic restaurants, cozy cafes, swanky lounges, and a very popular bar scene give this neighborhood more than a modicum of downtown flair. Also, uptown elegance is manifested with a tantalizing mix of residential options: luxury residential high-rises, beautiful turn-of-the-century townhouses, exquisite pre-war buildings, brownstones, and well-maintained co-ops and condos. Located between Fifth Avenue and the East River and stretching from 34th to 40th Street, Murray Hill draws many young professionals due to its relative affordability and proximity to midtown. This neighborhood has grown in the last few years primarily due to its prime location. It is only a stone's throw away from midtown's business district and a quick ride to downtown's myriad, eclectic enticements.
A burgeoning real estate destination, the neighborhood also has a few notable landmarks to its credit. The Morgan Library and Sniffen Court carriage houses on 36th Street are architectural masterpieces as is the Gilbert-designed Beaux Arts mansion. Furthermore, with Grand Central Station, the New York Public Library, and the Queens-Midtown Tunnel on its fringes, it's easy to see the appeal of this community.
Noho (NOrth of HOuston Street) is a wonderful fusion of residential nirvana and retail heaven (or madness!) Spacious airy lofts are the order du jour while trendy shops, avant-garde restaurants, hot night haunts, and popular retailers like Tower Records and Crate and Barrel clamor for attention. Noho stretches north from Houston Street to East 9th Street and east from Broadway and Mercer to Lafayette Street and the west side of Cooper Square. Originally, artists occupied most of the residential lofts in the 1970's and '80s, but now there are a wide variety of homeowners. Lawyers, bankers and many professionals as well as celebrities, artists and writers all live in creative harmony here.
The blocks east of Broadway hold a certain magic: wide cobblestone streets pave the way to huge celebrity-owned lofts, not to mention some of the city's finest boutiques and restaurants. There are also a number of young, edgy companies (publishers, record companies and others) in the converted spaces along Broadway. In fitting with Noho's creative bent, beautiful architecture abounds. Along Broadway, you'll find many different styles including Neo-Greco, Renaissance, Romanesque and Classical. There are also many gorgeous 19th Century townhouses, which are part of Noho's historic district. With some of the city's best restaurants and trendiest nightlife, Noho is a highly popular neighborhood.
What was on the verge of being destroyed in the 1960's is now one of the most fashionable and desirable places to live in New York City. Soho (South of Houston Street) used to be an industrial district with many cast iron buildings, and in the 1960's an influx of artists came and saved the area. By impeccably restoring the old warehouses into spacious and attractive lofts, Soho became a trendy place to live and the area flourished.
Soho is one of the best shopping neighborhoods and most fun to browse. Prime action is on Broadway and its intersecting cobblestone streets. The area, with its fashionable boutiques, clothing stores, see and be seen restaurants, and high-end street peddlers, is bustling with people from every walk of life - and also includes 250 or so art galleries, four museums, performance centers, swanky lounges, bars, nightclubs and spas. Similar to Noho, Soho revels in its unique architecture. Many beautiful buildings abound in different styles such as Victorian Gothic, Neo-Greco, and Italianate. The residents in this neighborhood are mostly well-to-do professionals and artists; many celebrities live here as well. Several new hotels have also opened in the area making Soho a desirable place for international tourists.
Spanish Harlem
Spanish Harlem, also known as El Barrio, is located on the East Side of Manhattan between the East River and Central park from 100th street to 125th street. This lively and developing neighborhood has a rich history, and two celebrated cultural institutions, El Museo Del Barrio and the Museum of the City of New York. With many beautiful townhouses, Spanish Harlem boasts some excellent ethnic cuisine as well easy access to Central Park and the East River walk.
Sugar Hill
"Sweet life on a hill" is the original meaning of this historic Harlem neighborhood. Sugar Hill is located between St. Nicholas and Edgecombe Avenues and extends from 145th Street to 155th Street in upper Manhattan. A middle class neighborhood, Sugar Hill has many well preserved townhouses and brownstones as well as many meticulously designed apartment buildings. Family and community are what drive this neighborhood, many family businesses still exist and most people are involved with local politics. This close knit neighborhood used to be considered the soul of class and elegance is now on its way to regaining that reputation. Sugar Hill is also home to the City University of New York's main campus which adds to the livelihood of this location.
Sutton Place
Sutton is considered one of Manhattans most desirable and prestigious residential addresses. Named after Effington B. Sutton who was a shipping magnate that bought land on the along the East River, Sutton Place is located between East 53rd and East 59th Streets along the East River. With its luxurious co-ops and stunning townhouses, Sutton rivals Fifth Avenue and Central Park West for top prices and extravagance. With all the prewar charm one can ask for, this neighborhood is popular because of its privacy and its safety. Sutton was once mostly populated by older families however, now a growing number of younger families have recently begun moving to this area. There are two public parks and jogging along the East River as well as a dog run, it is also well served by city bus and the express bus to Wall Street.
Theater District
The Theater District is located on the West Side of Manhattan extends 42nd and 54th Streets and between 6th and 8th Avenues. In the heart of this neighborhood lies Times Square. This popular tourist destination is world famous for its entertainment, tall office buildings and marquees filled with bright lights. Approximately 36 theaters put on well-known Broadway performances daily. Most of the older landmark theaters have been restored and back in working order. There are also many famous restaurants that line Restaurant Row, any type of cuisine that one desires can be found within just a few blocks.
Tribeca, the TRIangle BElow CAnal Street, lies on the lower West Side of Manhattan. Close to Soho, it is bordered by Broadway and West Street. Once the industrial heart of the City, Tribeca's factories and unique cast iron fronted warehouses have been converted to spacious lofts, apartments and condos. The neighborhood became a haven for artists who found the loft spaces in these old buildings perfectly suited for studios. Now the neighborhood boasts many famous residents such as Robert DeNiro as well as many upscale restaurants and art galleries. In addition to its culture and happening feel, Tribeca is conveniently located close to the financial district and many unique neighborhoods. With its trendy art scene, hot restaurants and boutiques, and some of the city's top real estate, Tribeca is a prime place to live.
Turtle Bay
Filled with diplomats, doctors, lawyers and business people, Turtle Bay can be described as a neighborhood with wealth, prestige and history. Located in Midtown East, Turtle Bay extends from 43rd Street to 53rd Street and is bordered by Lexington Avenue to the West and to the East by the East River. This neighborhood is also home the United Nations which is located on First Avenue. Due to the amount of security needed for the United Nations, police presence is prevalent; therefore, Turtle Bay is considered one of the safest places to live in New York City. Originally a forty acre farm, now this neighborhood's tree lined streets are filled with restored townhouses, co-op buildings as well as many luxury high rise condominiums. Perhaps the most noticeable residential building is the Trump World Tower which is located across from the UN on 48th Street and First Avenue and is said to be the largest residential building in the world. Turtle Bay is also home to many fine restaurants and a very popular nightlife as well as beautiful parks such as the Dag Hammarskjld Plaza Park and many others which do contain dog runs.
Upper Eastside
Known to many as the most affluent and prestigious milieu in Manhattan, the Upper East Side is awash in elegance and culture. Extending from 59th to 96th Street and bordered by Fifth Avenue and the East River, the Upper East Side is home to such charming neighborhoods as Carnegie Hill, Lennox Hill, East End Avenue and Yorkville. With many verdant, tree-lined streets and avenues, the neighborhood is a delightful place to live. Cultural attractions here are multitudinous. Famous Museum Mile along Fifth Avenue is lined with some of the world's most prominent art institutions: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Guggenheim Museum, Whitney Museum of American Art, and the Frick Art Collection located in the Frick Mansion, among others. Given its many famous museums and art, the Upper East Side of Manhattan is one of the most celebrated areas in the country.
With many exclusive luxury apartments in co-ops and condos along Fifth Avenue and Park Avenue, there are also many beautiful townhouses that line the narrower streets. More reasonably priced apartments and homes can be found closer to the river. Madison Avenue is host to some of the city's toniest shopping including glamorous designer clothing stores such as Armani, Ralph Lauren and Gianni Versace. And throughout the area, there is no shortage of places to eat. Chic, sleek trendsetting restaurants alternate with warm ethnic nooks. Before or after an expedition along Madison Avenue or Museum Mile, you can easily satisfy any craving from among the myriad cuisines, yummy delights and noshing possibilities throughout the Upper East Side.
Other attributes of this locale include its proximity to Central Park and its numerous elite schools, of prime importance to families. The Dalton School, Chapin, and some of the best public schools in the city, such as P.S. 6, are all located here. While many families have understandably flocked here, more and more young professionals and singles are moving to the Upper East Side as well.
Upper Westside
The Upper West Side has become one of Manhattan's most coveted locations. Full of entertainment, fashionable stores and drop-dead gorgeous architecture, the Upper West Side attracts a wide variety of residents, visitors, and garden-variety wanderers. Charming townhouses, luxurious co-ops, and to-die-for condos with park and river views tend to be some of the most sought-after residences in Manhattan. You'll also find distinguished pre-war brownstones, many of them lining the blocks west of Broadway, and stunning landmarks that cast shadows along the western edge of Central Park. Two of the most architecturally distinguished buildings in the country, the impressive Dakota and the Italian Baroque San Remo, with its looming twin towers, are both on Central Park West. These and many other choice addresses on the shady streets and Central Park West are home to celebrities of all types. The area canvasses 59th to 125th Street between Central Park to the east and Hudson River on the west. While primarily wealthy, there are also middle class residents here, all living in peaceful harmony. The area includes many artists, actors, celebrities, educators, and professionals. The Upper West Side also boasts its own culture. It is home to the Museum of Natural History with its mammoth dinosaurs, a truly awe-inspiring Planetarium, and the magnificent Lincoln Center, as well as numerous other performing arts centers. Popular and trendy bars, as well as gourmet food (think Zabars) and outdoor restaurants, are commonplace in this hip and luxurious locale.
This fun-packed, diverse neighborhood with its tree-shaded streets, friendly neighbors, and charming residences-some with magical views of the Hudson River-illustrates with remarkable persuasion why professionals, artists, and academics alike hunger to live here.
Washington Heights
Rich in history, culture and beauty, Washington Heights is located in northern Manhattan. Along with its neighbor, Inwood, it is experiencing gentrification as increasing numbers of professionals with higher incomes seek affordable housing, a more relaxed suburban feel, and more space in these neighborhoods. Artists, students, and families from diverse backgrounds live here. Many of the buildings were built in the once prevalent Art Deco style, thereby creating a certain stylistic uniformity, which harmonizes the area. Washington Heights has many beautiful houses and co-ops on quiet tree-lined blocks with lovely architecture. Along with its oases of trees, parks and Hudson River views, you'll find many nooks and crannies in this area, still largely undiscovered by the folks who think Manhattan ends at 96th Street. On the other hand, when you want big-city life, this lovely, safe neighborhood is only 15 minutes from Midtown on the A train.
In the heart of Washington Heights, there is a bustling commercial district as well as Yeshiva University and Columbia's Presbyterian Medical Center. The neighborhood's Fort Tyron Park is home to the magnificent Cloisters, a medieval museum, with a tremendous collection of art, built in the style of medieval cloisters, chapels and halls. With its many positives, it's no wonder this neighborhood is becoming increasingly popular. If there is any area of the city that is destined to be the next "it" neighborhood, Upper Manhattan is the one to watch.
West Village
The West Village is as charming and colorful as any neighborhood in New York City. With a rich history and culture, the West Village still has its quaint mlange of narrow streets from its early days as a small country village. Best known as the home of the bohemian and the hip, today it is a modern day mecca for writers, artists, intellectuals, radicals, actors, and students as well as many professionals and families. Because of its Old World charm, many people have been drawn to this area. With its quiet streets, low-rise townhouses, and profusion of cafes, shops, small theaters, boutiques, bodegas and music clubs, the Village is reminiscent of European cities, such as Paris and Budapest. And, along the Hudson River, new luxury residential buildings offer splendid views of the river as well as the city. Given all this history, color and cool, it's easy to see why the West Village is one of the city's most popular neighborhoods in which to live. Situated between Seventh Avenue and the Hudson River, the West Village stretches from 14th Street to Canal Street.
Situated in the Upper East Side, Yorkville is among the most affordable places to live in Manhattan. What began as a village centered around 86th Street and Third Avenue, Yorkville now extends to 96th Street to the north, the east river to the east, south to 72nd street and west to Third Avenue. It is home to major hospitals such as Cornell Medical Center and the world famous Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Well liked not only to young single professionals, Yorkville is also a very popular family destination because of its safety and predictability. Located on the East River, Carl Schurz Park, home to Gracie Mansion, features a dog run and a beautiful east river walk.
No matter what you're looking for, you'll find it in New York City.
Learn more below about the Manhattan neighborhood you want to live in. Should you have any questions about living in any of these neighborhoods, please feel free to contact me and I will be delighted to assist you.
Battery Park City
Lying on the southern tip of Manhattan, Battery Park City offers expansive greenery, tree-lined streets and spectacular water views. The quiet calm of this self-contained neighborhood feels more suburban-like than Manhattan. One of the city's newest neighborhoods, it hosts many luxury hi-rise apartments which blend with the nearby colonial buildings and vestiges of the country's earliest days in the financial district. Covering over 90 acres, Battery Park City is bounded by Chambers Street in the North to Pier A, and West Street to the East to the Hudson River. Residents can enjoy waterfront walks, biking along the esplanade and the myriad galleries of nearby Tribeca. Many families and professionals also enjoy the proximity to the financial district, making it easy to get to and from work. Battery City Park sports a Marina, free outdoor concerts at the South Street Seaport and Winter Garden, and boats sailing off to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.
Carnegie Hill
One of Manhattan's most prestigious neighborhoods located on the Upper East Side. Extending from 86th Street to 96th Street and from Lexington Avenue to Central Park, this wealthy locale has some of the most elegant shops and restaurants, which line Madison Avenue, in the entire city. Carnegie Hill consists of luxury apartment buildings, both coops and condos, as well as many exquisite townhouses. The prewar buildings demonstrate some of the most beautiful architecture in all of New York City. Home to the Museum Mile, which includes the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Guggenheim Museum and the Jewish Museum, Carnegie Hill, offers a large variety of cultural activities. Chelsea Until recent years, Chelsea was said to be the heart of the Garment and Flower districts. Today, it is one of the city's hottest zip codes. Considered a fashionable place to live, it began as farmland in the early 1800's, becoming more commercial later that century with the coming of an above ground railroad.
is located between 34th street and Greenwich Village on the West Side. It is full of off Broadway theaters, new art galleries, and fine restaurants as well as the landmark Chelsea Hotel, a favorite of many famous artists, writers and musicians. During seasonal art openings, the area buzzes with gallery-hoppers that are as interesting to gaze at as the art itself. Chelsea is also home to several popular weekend flea markets and New York City's most modern, state-of-the-art sports complex. Chelsea Piers is a large complex where you can ice skate, drive golf balls, hit inside batting cages or bowl; it also features a health club and many sports leagues. The architecture in this area is unique. East of Ninth Avenue, the spacious and stylish loft warehouses give way to stunning landmark townhouses, prewar co-ops and new luxury high-rise buildings. Traditionalists will appreciate Historic Chelsea's Cushman Row, located between Ninth and Tenth Avenues on 20th Street.
Chinatown Home to narrow streets and strong vibrant ethnic camaraderie, Chinatown is one of the most well known and interesting places in the New York City. It extends from Canal Street to Worth Street and from 6th Avenue to Bowery. It is a very popular tourist destination but now is becoming more and more of a new trendy residential area. Chinatown's growth and expansion has made it one the largest Asian communities in the entire world. Canal Street is the heart of this area, with a large number of vendors selling many different goods with great bargains.
Formerly a large industrial district in the 19th century, this has now become one of Manhattans newest charms. Clinton, once referred to as Hell's kitchen, is located on the west side. Its boundaries are 59th Street to the North, 8th Avenue to the East, 42nd Street to the South and the Hudson River to the West. When most of the peep shows and adult video stores moved out over the last couple of decades many business' (most notably Disney and MTV) and new developers moved in to clean up and restore the area. Clinton is home to many young professionals as well as many lifetime residents, most who are all very active in local politics and their neighborhood community. Many of the buildings in this neighborhood tend to be four to six floors however; there are also several new state of the art luxury high rise buildings close to the river. Just like most of Manhattan, Clinton has its share of fine restaurants and also contains a lot of fresh food markets popular among residents and tourist alike.
East Harlem
Also known as Spanish Harlem or El Barrio, East Harlem has a good deal of culture and a real neighborhood feel. The neighborhood stretches from 96th to 125th Street between 5th and 1st Avenues on the East Side. Predominantly Spanish speaking, East Harlem is a very tightly knit community where people sit outside watching life go by and catching up with their neighbors. Although it is thought by some to be a tough neighborhood, redevelopment of many older buildings is transforming East Harlem into one of Manhattan's new and upcoming areas. With its cultural and Latin flavor, East Harlem boasts some of the city's best and most inexpensive restaurants. Fill up on steaming chili rellenos and head out some salsa dancing!
East Village The East Village is one of the more unique neighborhoods in the City with a "happening" reputation and colorful past. While the areas close to Fifth Avenue have always been popular, revitalization further east has transformed the East Village into an entity of its own. Once considered the stepsister of the West Village, the East Village is catching up to its neighbor with its own trendy cafes, boutiques, and art galleries. In its early years, the East Village was home to the Stuyvesants, Astors, and Vanderbilts. The neighborhood then saw waves of immigrant groups followed by the Beat, Hippie and Punk generations - each leaving its imprint.
Located in lower Manhattan, the area stretches from 14th Street to Houston Street and from Bowery Street to the East River. The East Village consists mostly of walkups, which are being renovated; conventional high-rise apartment buildings are not as prevalent. While it still maintains a hip, happening feel, the East Village is seeing more families arrive, and many young professionals now call it home. The refurbished Tompkins Park is the main park in the East Village, offering a welcome respite from city life.
Fashion Center
The Fashion Center, also known as the Garment District, has undergone tremendous change over the past few years. New York's dynamic fashion-design hub is now becoming its own diverse residential community. What is drawing people is not just the reams of beautiful garments - it's the convenient location in the heart of Midtown West, the mix of housing, and the close proximity to many restaurants, commercial offices, retail stores, and public transportation. These pluses play well against the backdrop of style, cutting-edge clothes, millions of shoppers flocking to snap up the bargains, and F.I.T's bright-eyed hopefuls aiming to be the next Ralph Lauren or Donna Karan. Other highlights are Macy's, Madison Square Garden and Penn Station.
Bordered by Fifth and Eighth Avenues, the area runs from 34th Street to Times Square (42nd Street). Among its blend of low and high-rise apartment buildings, "Fashion Central" is seeing a number of luxury buildings go up. Still growing, this neighborhood is likely to become ever and ever more desirable.
Financial District
The Financial District, birthplace of New York City and the nation, is one of the most historic and intriguing neighborhoods in the U.S. Full of winding, cobblestone streets and historic buildings, the Financial District sits on the Southern tip of the island. It is now undergoing major restoration and is again considered one of New York's City's special gems. Wall Street is the focal point of this neighborhood - a narrow street that is home to the New York and American Stock Exchanges. South Street Seaport is also a very popular destination. It boasts many shops, restaurants, bars and antique ships that have been converted into floating museums. During the day, the Financial District is as busy if not busier than any other neighborhood in the world; however, at night, there is a lot of peace and quiet.
In 1995, the Mayor started an Economic Revitalization Program in the neighborhood that began with 5,000 new apartments and the prospect of 7,000 more. Many of the older, large office buildings have been converted to residential space with spectacular views of the water and the Statue of Liberty. The neighborhood has emerged as an around-the-clock community for working, living and entertaining. It offers an elegant residential neighborhood, world-class cultural institutions, and a center for music, dance and visual arts events.
The Flatiron District, with its convenient central location, is popular among older business people, young artists and frenzied shoppers alike. Located on the east side, the neighborhood extends from 14th Street to 23rd Street and is bounded by Park Avenue South to the East and 6th Avenue to the West. The district gets its name from the Flatiron building, the first steel-framed building, famous for its triangular shape and also the tallest building in the world in 1903. You can enjoy the sophisticated Restaurant Row on Park Avenue South, large discounters like Filenes' Basement along Sixth Avenue, and classier shopping on Fifth and Broadway. Madison Square Park is a wonderful, renovated spot to walk your dog or just sit on a bench and enjoy the scenery. The Flatiron District has some of the most detailed and beautiful architecture in Manhattan as well and many huge, airy lofts.
Fort George
Home to the last colonial residence in Manhattan, Fort George is full of history and tradition. The Morris-Jumel Mansion was the headquarters of General George Washington during the Revolutionary War. Fort George extends from West 155th Street to West 181st Street and is bordered by Fort Washington Park and the Hudson River to the West and the Harlem River to the East. Most apartments in the area are in prewar buildings and are very spacious. Only 15 minutes by subway to Midtown Manhattan, this location is appealing for people who want to live in Manhattan but not in the bustling business districts. Most residents here are artists, writers and middle class workers who are very family and community orientated. Fort George is an exciting community, with many different ethnicities and cultures, and an increasingly popular residential neighborhood.
Gramercy Park
Gramercy Park is one of New York's most historic and unique neighborhoods. Centrally located on the East Side, residents have the convenience of living downtown (Soho, Noho and the Village are just blocks away) coupled with a sophistication generally reserved for the toniest uptown neighborhoods. This pristine area extends from 14th to 24th Street between Fifth and First Avenues. With many prewar and post war buildings, the true elegance of Gramercy Park is displayed by the beautiful 19th century townhouses, Victorian brownstones, and prewar buildings surrounding the park - built by such famous architects such as Emery Roth and Calvert Vaux. Gramercy Park gets its name from the only private park in the city. Key access is needed and is given to those who live on the perimeter of the park. Known as the oldest residential neighborhood, Gramercy is also home to many fabulous restaurants, trendy nightspots and lots of great shopping. Given its many charms and convenience, this safe, tight-knit neighborhood draws young professionals and older residents alike.
Greenwich Village
The small, winding tree-lined streets with magnificent 19th century townhouses are only part of what makes Greenwich Village such an alluring place to call home. What began as a peaceful suburb when it was founded is now one of the liveliest neighborhoods in the city. In lower Manhattan, the Village is bounded by 14th Street in the North to Houston Street and Fourth Avenue in the East to Seventh Avenue. Washington Square Park is the center of the Village with its large arch, marking the first presidential inauguration that took place in New York City. Also home to New York University, Greenwich Village boasts a wide variety of events and residents. With bright-eyed students, rosy-cheeked families, artists, celebrities, Wall Street professionals, and old-timers, the village is for anyone and everyone. This neighborhood breathes life with crowded cafs, street vendors, popular music and nightspots. Even though most of the residences are older buildings and townhouses, there are also beautiful new modern buildings, making it easy for anyone to find the ideal home.
Hamilton Heights
Located in upper Manhattan, Hamilton Heights extends from 140th Street to 145 Streets and from St. Nicholas Avenue to Amsterdam Avenue East to West. This exclusively residential neighborhood was once owned by General Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton Heights is a historic locale with three landmarks; the summer home of Alexander Hamilton, St. Luke's Episcopal Church, and the Convent Avenue Baptist Church. A very distinctive area with a lot of unique architecture, Hamilton Heights has beautifully maintained townhouses along tree lined streets. Constructed by many famous architects, most of the home contain garden separating them from the street. The styles differ from Flemish to Tudor to new renaissance to classical and most are one family houses. In addition to the magnificent homes, the City College Campus of the City University of New York is situated around the lovely St. Nicholas Park.HarlemIf you are looking for a location with history, flair, culture and affordability, then Harlem may just be what you are looking for. This upper Manhattan neighborhood has undergone a renaissance. Starting at 116th Street and extending north to the Harlem River, Harlem has many new developments, commercial and retail space. As such, it's becoming a popular destination for all types of people. Even Bill Clinton has moved in! With its new construction, Harlem hasn't lost its old historic flavor. There are still many prewar buildings and enchanting 19th century townhouses equipped with fireplaces and molding and lovely backyards. Harlem is home to Columbia University and the world renowned Apollo Theater where such greats as Duke Ellington, Count Basie, and Aretha Franklin performed. The new Harlem Center is finally here, and more and more businesses are flocking in to meet the needs of this resurrected neighborhood. So hop on up to Harlem and enjoy the pulsating beat and affordable housing!
Kips Bay
What was once a bay, Kips Bay is now a quiet and comfortable location on the East Side of Manhattan. Somewhat understated until recently, this neighborhood east of Third Avenue between 27th and 34th Streets, is becoming more and more popular with stylish young professionals. Some might say it's the lure of the fantastic ethnic restaurants along Lexington and Third Avenues (now dubbed Curry Hill) that has drawn new residents to the area. Others might say it's the enjoyable evening entertainment. The real draw, though, is its proximity to Midtown's business district and Downtown's nightlife. Both are only a walk or short ride away. Because of its smart locale, new boutiques and businesses have also moved in. Notably, Kips Bay is the center of Medicine in the city. It is home to the New York University School of Medicine and Dentistry, Bellevue Hospital, and the Chief Medical Examiners Office. As result, many doctors and hospital staff live here too. Most of Kip Bay's residents live in attractive apartment buildings, as many of the brownstones and townhouses are gone.
Lenox Hill
Lenox Hill is one of the Upper East Sides most affluent neighborhoods. It extends from 77th Street to 66th Street north to south and from Lexington Avenue to Central Park east to west. This area is filled with many luxury apartment buildings, both co-ops and condos, as well eye-catching townhouses. The elegant and sophisticated neighborhood also has many first rate restaurants and shops on Lexington Avenue as well as boutiques, art galleries and hotels on Madison Avenue. The Whitney Museum of American Art, The Asia Society and the Frick Collection are all major cultural attractions located in the heart of Lenox Hill.
Lincoln Square
Home to the Metropolitan Opera House, the New York Philharmonic, the Julliard School and many other cultural institutions, Lincoln Center is the biggest performing arts center in the United States. What was completed in 1968 now is the center of the Lincoln Square area. This neighborhood is located between 62nd and 66th Streets on the West Side between West End Avenue and Central Park West. This artistic menagerie has a many different types of cuisine, hotels as well as popular night spots. Lincoln Square is surrounded by many new state of the art condominium buildings as well as co-ops and townhouses.
Little Italy
Lined with small cafes and beckoning ristorantes, Little Italy's narrow streets are alive with the smells of fresh bread, garlicky pasta and the sweet sounds of "la dolce vida". North of Canal Street, Little Italy runs from Mulberry to Mott Streets and Bowery to Lafayette Street. Even though it has gotten smaller due to nearby Chinatown's expansion, it still has not lost its flair for life and mouth-watering cuisine. The streets are lined with vendors and Italian culture is demonstrated to its fullest. Every September, the streets are closed for the famous Feast of San Gennaro celebration. With its color and convenient location to downtown and many distinct neighborhoods, Little Italy is drawing many new, young residents. It is made up primarily of multi-tenant style buildings, along with some of the city's most creative new developments, providing some of the more affordable homeowner options in the city.
Lower East Side
What was once the world's largest Jewish community has now become one of the most eclectic in all of Manhattan. The Lower East Side is home to designers, writers, professionals, musicians and artists not to mention the myriad different ethnic groups that grace this neighborhood. Old-world shops sit side by side with funky, new boutiques and galleries that showcase the best of New York's avant-garde fashion scene. With many bargain stores, edgy new nightspots, ethnic restaurants and music venues, this neighborhood is truly for everyone. The Lower East Side is bounded by Houston Street, the East River, and FDR Drive. Over the past two decades, this neighborhood has undergone a major renaissance for the better. It is now much safer and cleaner, and its mixture of the old and the new makes it fascinating. Refurbished lofts and duplexes, as well as turn of the century walk-up buildings, are common. With the growth of the neighborhood, it is no surprise that prices have increased and more trendy shops and restaurants have emerged.
Manhattan Valley
Manhattan Valley occupies the area between Central Park West and Broadway from 100th Street to 110th Street on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. This working class neighborhood is becoming more and more of a desirable location to live. With its proximity to Columbia University, many students, staff and faculty are calling Manhattan Valley home. Named for the slope of Manhattan Avenue, this neighborhood has a few quiet blocks with gorgeous townhouses and brownstones. Also, there are many tenement buildings that are being restored and renovated. One can notice the culture and distinctive architecture along Central Park. Amsterdam Avenue and Broadway have many restaurants and bars and many retail stores have opened in the past few years.
This neighborhood was once a small village in the 19th century that flourished during the Industrial Revolution. Centered around 125th Street and Broadway on the West Side, Manhattanville was once the residential, manufacturing and transportation hubs of New York City because of its access to the Hudson River. Today, the neighborhood still contains its religious and educational institutions and Columbia University is also expanding its campus into this West Harlem locale.
Midtown East
One of the liveliest business sections in the city, Midtown East offers beautiful new luxury buildings as well as old world charm. Located between 30th and 59th Streets on the East Side, this area is home to many corporations such as Met Life and Citicorp as well as the United Nations. The center of Midtown East is Grand Central Station, which has been magnificently renovated, and is an architectural marvel lined with shops and restaurants. With the art deco Chrysler Building illuminating the skyline, every style of home is available in this neighborhood. New luxury high-rise buildings are popular among professionals who choose to live close to work. Townhouses and prewar buildings are also available, with many in the elegant and upscale Beekman area, located between 49th and 51st Streets from First Avenue to the East River. There are also reasonably priced studios and one-bedroom apartments located closer to First and Second Avenues. Despite being one of the busiest places by day, there is no shortage of nightlife here. Numerous delicious restaurants, alluring shops, and jazzy local bars keep residents alive at night.\
Midtown West
Many consider Midtown West to be the heart of New York City. It is the center of business, entertainment, shopping, and tourism in Manhattan and has undergone a major renovation since the mid 1990's. Extending from 34th to 59th Street between Fifth Avenue and the Hudson River, this bustling neighborhood is filled with life and many New York City tourist destinations. Times Square, the Theater District on Broadway, Radio City Music Hall, Carnegie Hall and Rockefeller Center are all found in Midtown West. Real estate development has been the main part of the renovation as many luxury high-rise building have been built in the area. This is a very attractive place to live due to its location. The ability to walk to work, and the great nightlife that Midtown West enjoys, are only two of the many reasons why this area meets its residents' every need.
Morningside Heights
Morningside Heights extends from 110th to 125th Street between Morningside Park to the East and the Hudson River to the West. This West Side neighborhood is home to the ivied walls of Columbia University. Columbia University is located between 114th Street and 120th Street. Morningside Heights is made up primarily of prewar co-ops, and has a variety of residents. Many students, faculty, and staff of Columbia live in the area, as do many original New Yorkers.
Known as one of the safest neighborhoods, this has been a comfortable and quiet community in the past. It is now becoming more interesting and lively with the addition of some alluring new businesses. But even though many scholarly bookstores, tasty restaurants, cafes and bars have graced Morningside Heights, it has not lost any of its charm. Bounded by two parks (Morningside and Riverside Parks), this neighborhood is home to some wonderful architecture and two magnificent churches. The gothic Riverside Church, overlooks the Hudson. This stunning beauty, with the world's largest 20-ton church bell, is a sight to behold. Also, you'll find the arresting St. John the Devine, the country's largest cathedral, and a flourishing center of community activity.
Murray Hill
Known as both a quiet, comfortable neighborhood and one teeming with nightlife, Murray Hill has come a long way since its day as farmland. Many ethnic restaurants, cozy cafes, swanky lounges, and a very popular bar scene give this neighborhood more than a modicum of downtown flair. Also, uptown elegance is manifested with a tantalizing mix of residential options: luxury residential high-rises, beautiful turn-of-the-century townhouses, exquisite pre-war buildings, brownstones, and well-maintained co-ops and condos. Located between Fifth Avenue and the East River and stretching from 34th to 40th Street, Murray Hill draws many young professionals due to its relative affordability and proximity to midtown. This neighborhood has grown in the last few years primarily due to its prime location. It is only a stone's throw away from midtown's business district and a quick ride to downtown's myriad, eclectic enticements.
A burgeoning real estate destination, the neighborhood also has a few notable landmarks to its credit. The Morgan Library and Sniffen Court carriage houses on 36th Street are architectural masterpieces as is the Gilbert-designed Beaux Arts mansion. Furthermore, with Grand Central Station, the New York Public Library, and the Queens-Midtown Tunnel on its fringes, it's easy to see the appeal of this community.
Noho (NOrth of HOuston Street) is a wonderful fusion of residential nirvana and retail heaven (or madness!) Spacious airy lofts are the order du jour while trendy shops, avant-garde restaurants, hot night haunts, and popular retailers like Tower Records and Crate and Barrel clamor for attention. Noho stretches north from Houston Street to East 9th Street and east from Broadway and Mercer to Lafayette Street and the west side of Cooper Square. Originally, artists occupied most of the residential lofts in the 1970's and '80s, but now there are a wide variety of homeowners. Lawyers, bankers and many professionals as well as celebrities, artists and writers all live in creative harmony here.
The blocks east of Broadway hold a certain magic: wide cobblestone streets pave the way to huge celebrity-owned lofts, not to mention some of the city's finest boutiques and restaurants. There are also a number of young, edgy companies (publishers, record companies and others) in the converted spaces along Broadway. In fitting with Noho's creative bent, beautiful architecture abounds. Along Broadway, you'll find many different styles including Neo-Greco, Renaissance, Romanesque and Classical. There are also many gorgeous 19th Century townhouses, which are part of Noho's historic district. With some of the city's best restaurants and trendiest nightlife, Noho is a highly popular neighborhood.
What was on the verge of being destroyed in the 1960's is now one of the most fashionable and desirable places to live in New York City. Soho (South of Houston Street) used to be an industrial district with many cast iron buildings, and in the 1960's an influx of artists came and saved the area. By impeccably restoring the old warehouses into spacious and attractive lofts, Soho became a trendy place to live and the area flourished.
Soho is one of the best shopping neighborhoods and most fun to browse. Prime action is on Broadway and its intersecting cobblestone streets. The area, with its fashionable boutiques, clothing stores, see and be seen restaurants, and high-end street peddlers, is bustling with people from every walk of life - and also includes 250 or so art galleries, four museums, performance centers, swanky lounges, bars, nightclubs and spas. Similar to Noho, Soho revels in its unique architecture. Many beautiful buildings abound in different styles such as Victorian Gothic, Neo-Greco, and Italianate. The residents in this neighborhood are mostly well-to-do professionals and artists; many celebrities live here as well. Several new hotels have also opened in the area making Soho a desirable place for international tourists.
Spanish Harlem
Spanish Harlem, also known as El Barrio, is located on the East Side of Manhattan between the East River and Central park from 100th street to 125th street. This lively and developing neighborhood has a rich history, and two celebrated cultural institutions, El Museo Del Barrio and the Museum of the City of New York. With many beautiful townhouses, Spanish Harlem boasts some excellent ethnic cuisine as well easy access to Central Park and the East River walk.
Sugar Hill
"Sweet life on a hill" is the original meaning of this historic Harlem neighborhood. Sugar Hill is located between St. Nicholas and Edgecombe Avenues and extends from 145th Street to 155th Street in upper Manhattan. A middle class neighborhood, Sugar Hill has many well preserved townhouses and brownstones as well as many meticulously designed apartment buildings. Family and community are what drive this neighborhood, many family businesses still exist and most people are involved with local politics. This close knit neighborhood used to be considered the soul of class and elegance is now on its way to regaining that reputation. Sugar Hill is also home to the City University of New York's main campus which adds to the livelihood of this location.
Sutton Place
Sutton is considered one of Manhattans most desirable and prestigious residential addresses. Named after Effington B. Sutton who was a shipping magnate that bought land on the along the East River, Sutton Place is located between East 53rd and East 59th Streets along the East River. With its luxurious co-ops and stunning townhouses, Sutton rivals Fifth Avenue and Central Park West for top prices and extravagance. With all the prewar charm one can ask for, this neighborhood is popular because of its privacy and its safety. Sutton was once mostly populated by older families however, now a growing number of younger families have recently begun moving to this area. There are two public parks and jogging along the East River as well as a dog run, it is also well served by city bus and the express bus to Wall Street.
Theater District
The Theater District is located on the West Side of Manhattan extends 42nd and 54th Streets and between 6th and 8th Avenues. In the heart of this neighborhood lies Times Square. This popular tourist destination is world famous for its entertainment, tall office buildings and marquees filled with bright lights. Approximately 36 theaters put on well-known Broadway performances daily. Most of the older landmark theaters have been restored and back in working order. There are also many famous restaurants that line Restaurant Row, any type of cuisine that one desires can be found within just a few blocks.
Tribeca, the TRIangle BElow CAnal Street, lies on the lower West Side of Manhattan. Close to Soho, it is bordered by Broadway and West Street. Once the industrial heart of the City, Tribeca's factories and unique cast iron fronted warehouses have been converted to spacious lofts, apartments and condos. The neighborhood became a haven for artists who found the loft spaces in these old buildings perfectly suited for studios. Now the neighborhood boasts many famous residents such as Robert DeNiro as well as many upscale restaurants and art galleries. In addition to its culture and happening feel, Tribeca is conveniently located close to the financial district and many unique neighborhoods. With its trendy art scene, hot restaurants and boutiques, and some of the city's top real estate, Tribeca is a prime place to live.
Turtle Bay
Filled with diplomats, doctors, lawyers and business people, Turtle Bay can be described as a neighborhood with wealth, prestige and history. Located in Midtown East, Turtle Bay extends from 43rd Street to 53rd Street and is bordered by Lexington Avenue to the West and to the East by the East River. This neighborhood is also home the United Nations which is located on First Avenue. Due to the amount of security needed for the United Nations, police presence is prevalent; therefore, Turtle Bay is considered one of the safest places to live in New York City. Originally a forty acre farm, now this neighborhood's tree lined streets are filled with restored townhouses, co-op buildings as well as many luxury high rise condominiums. Perhaps the most noticeable residential building is the Trump World Tower which is located across from the UN on 48th Street and First Avenue and is said to be the largest residential building in the world. Turtle Bay is also home to many fine restaurants and a very popular nightlife as well as beautiful parks such as the Dag Hammarskjld Plaza Park and many others which do contain dog runs.
Upper Eastside
Known to many as the most affluent and prestigious milieu in Manhattan, the Upper East Side is awash in elegance and culture. Extending from 59th to 96th Street and bordered by Fifth Avenue and the East River, the Upper East Side is home to such charming neighborhoods as Carnegie Hill, Lennox Hill, East End Avenue and Yorkville. With many verdant, tree-lined streets and avenues, the neighborhood is a delightful place to live. Cultural attractions here are multitudinous. Famous Museum Mile along Fifth Avenue is lined with some of the world's most prominent art institutions: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Guggenheim Museum, Whitney Museum of American Art, and the Frick Art Collection located in the Frick Mansion, among others. Given its many famous museums and art, the Upper East Side of Manhattan is one of the most celebrated areas in the country.
With many exclusive luxury apartments in co-ops and condos along Fifth Avenue and Park Avenue, there are also many beautiful townhouses that line the narrower streets. More reasonably priced apartments and homes can be found closer to the river. Madison Avenue is host to some of the city's toniest shopping including glamorous designer clothing stores such as Armani, Ralph Lauren and Gianni Versace. And throughout the area, there is no shortage of places to eat. Chic, sleek trendsetting restaurants alternate with warm ethnic nooks. Before or after an expedition along Madison Avenue or Museum Mile, you can easily satisfy any craving from among the myriad cuisines, yummy delights and noshing possibilities throughout the Upper East Side.
Other attributes of this locale include its proximity to Central Park and its numerous elite schools, of prime importance to families. The Dalton School, Chapin, and some of the best public schools in the city, such as P.S. 6, are all located here. While many families have understandably flocked here, more and more young professionals and singles are moving to the Upper East Side as well.
Upper Westside
The Upper West Side has become one of Manhattan's most coveted locations. Full of entertainment, fashionable stores and drop-dead gorgeous architecture, the Upper West Side attracts a wide variety of residents, visitors, and garden-variety wanderers. Charming townhouses, luxurious co-ops, and to-die-for condos with park and river views tend to be some of the most sought-after residences in Manhattan. You'll also find distinguished pre-war brownstones, many of them lining the blocks west of Broadway, and stunning landmarks that cast shadows along the western edge of Central Park. Two of the most architecturally distinguished buildings in the country, the impressive Dakota and the Italian Baroque San Remo, with its looming twin towers, are both on Central Park West. These and many other choice addresses on the shady streets and Central Park West are home to celebrities of all types. The area canvasses 59th to 125th Street between Central Park to the east and Hudson River on the west. While primarily wealthy, there are also middle class residents here, all living in peaceful harmony. The area includes many artists, actors, celebrities, educators, and professionals. The Upper West Side also boasts its own culture. It is home to the Museum of Natural History with its mammoth dinosaurs, a truly awe-inspiring Planetarium, and the magnificent Lincoln Center, as well as numerous other performing arts centers. Popular and trendy bars, as well as gourmet food (think Zabars) and outdoor restaurants, are commonplace in this hip and luxurious locale.
This fun-packed, diverse neighborhood with its tree-shaded streets, friendly neighbors, and charming residences-some with magical views of the Hudson River-illustrates with remarkable persuasion why professionals, artists, and academics alike hunger to live here.
Washington Heights
Rich in history, culture and beauty, Washington Heights is located in northern Manhattan. Along with its neighbor, Inwood, it is experiencing gentrification as increasing numbers of professionals with higher incomes seek affordable housing, a more relaxed suburban feel, and more space in these neighborhoods. Artists, students, and families from diverse backgrounds live here. Many of the buildings were built in the once prevalent Art Deco style, thereby creating a certain stylistic uniformity, which harmonizes the area. Washington Heights has many beautiful houses and co-ops on quiet tree-lined blocks with lovely architecture. Along with its oases of trees, parks and Hudson River views, you'll find many nooks and crannies in this area, still largely undiscovered by the folks who think Manhattan ends at 96th Street. On the other hand, when you want big-city life, this lovely, safe neighborhood is only 15 minutes from Midtown on the A train.
In the heart of Washington Heights, there is a bustling commercial district as well as Yeshiva University and Columbia's Presbyterian Medical Center. The neighborhood's Fort Tyron Park is home to the magnificent Cloisters, a medieval museum, with a tremendous collection of art, built in the style of medieval cloisters, chapels and halls. With its many positives, it's no wonder this neighborhood is becoming increasingly popular. If there is any area of the city that is destined to be the next "it" neighborhood, Upper Manhattan is the one to watch.
West Village
The West Village is as charming and colorful as any neighborhood in New York City. With a rich history and culture, the West Village still has its quaint mlange of narrow streets from its early days as a small country village. Best known as the home of the bohemian and the hip, today it is a modern day mecca for writers, artists, intellectuals, radicals, actors, and students as well as many professionals and families. Because of its Old World charm, many people have been drawn to this area. With its quiet streets, low-rise townhouses, and profusion of cafes, shops, small theaters, boutiques, bodegas and music clubs, the Village is reminiscent of European cities, such as Paris and Budapest. And, along the Hudson River, new luxury residential buildings offer splendid views of the river as well as the city. Given all this history, color and cool, it's easy to see why the West Village is one of the city's most popular neighborhoods in which to live. Situated between Seventh Avenue and the Hudson River, the West Village stretches from 14th Street to Canal Street.
Situated in the Upper East Side, Yorkville is among the most affordable places to live in Manhattan. What began as a village centered around 86th Street and Third Avenue, Yorkville now extends to 96th Street to the north, the east river to the east, south to 72nd street and west to Third Avenue. It is home to major hospitals such as Cornell Medical Center and the world famous Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Well liked not only to young single professionals, Yorkville is also a very popular family destination because of its safety and predictability. Located on the East River, Carl Schurz Park, home to Gracie Mansion, features a dog run and a beautiful east river walk.
New York City,
Real Estate,
Ross Ellis
Why Hiring A Real Estate Agent Is More Advantageous Than Selling/Buying/Renting Yourself
According to the National Association of Realtors, 98% of real estate agents sell homes and close deals. Only 2% of all For Sale By Owners (FSBOs) sell on their own.
Home owners know their homes, thus the idea "we can sell it ourselves and save the commission."
But what do sellers really save?
And for buyers, the idea of viewing apartments on their own and making an offer is a breeze. How breezy is it when the seller isn't flexible or there are complications?
When you hire a real estate agent to sell your home or represent you in purchasing a home, you get a lot.
Real estate agents are thoroughly trained and experienced.
You might think you know a lot about real estate, but wouldn't you rather have a person who knows more than you do when selling homes and making that important decision to buy? Real estate agents are not emotionally attached to your home. Therefore they can negotiate on your behalf bringing you the best outcome.
If you're a seller, your agent can help you set the right price on your home that will cause your home to sell. Knowing supply, demand and the area's conditions makes a huge difference as to how long your home is on the market. Your agent will market your property on their company's web site which is likely to be visited by hundreds of thousands of buyers, and to all of the other agents in your area. Agents have various ways of marketing which result in a far greater reach -- bringing you more visits from buyers than you could ever generate on your own. Your agent filters serious buyers from shoppers and brings you qualified offers.
As a buyer, your agent knows the market. They set up appointments for you to see the best properties according to your specifications. They save you the leg work and negotiate on your behalf. Agents often can get you more for your money. You may be a negotiating pro, but, do you have real estate negotiating knowledge? Do you have the professional expertise that could make that home yours vs losing that home to another buyer?
As a renter, your agent has a pulse on the rental market in your area. They know what buildings are like, the neighborhoods, the amenities, and much more. Your agent negotiates the best possible lease for you. Your agent protects you.
Real estate agents have market knowledge.By looking at your newspaper and reading the Internet, you may think you know the prices in your neighborhood. Your professional agent has up to the minute knowledge of what's happening in your neighborhood. And ... they know your neighborhood's comparable properties and sales. They know market conditions and can present data and information to you that you would have no way of knowing, whether you are a seller, buyer or even renter.
Real estate agents work for you. Professional agents qualify buyers. Would you want an offer only to find out the buyers can't afford to buy your home?The paperwork of selling, buying or renting a home can be daunting. When doing this paperwork on your own, one mistake could be the most expensive mistake you've ever made. It could even have legal implications.
Professional real estate agents handle all of the necessary paperwork needed to make your sale, purchase or rental a successful and smooth transaction. A good agent is there for you every step of the way ... including being there for you after your closing.Whether you have questions or any issue related to your property, they re there to assist you.A good agent is worth their weight in gold. And that good agent will be there for you in the future or for anyone you refer to them.
Home owners know their homes, thus the idea "we can sell it ourselves and save the commission."
But what do sellers really save?
And for buyers, the idea of viewing apartments on their own and making an offer is a breeze. How breezy is it when the seller isn't flexible or there are complications?
When you hire a real estate agent to sell your home or represent you in purchasing a home, you get a lot.
Real estate agents are thoroughly trained and experienced.
You might think you know a lot about real estate, but wouldn't you rather have a person who knows more than you do when selling homes and making that important decision to buy? Real estate agents are not emotionally attached to your home. Therefore they can negotiate on your behalf bringing you the best outcome.
If you're a seller, your agent can help you set the right price on your home that will cause your home to sell. Knowing supply, demand and the area's conditions makes a huge difference as to how long your home is on the market. Your agent will market your property on their company's web site which is likely to be visited by hundreds of thousands of buyers, and to all of the other agents in your area. Agents have various ways of marketing which result in a far greater reach -- bringing you more visits from buyers than you could ever generate on your own. Your agent filters serious buyers from shoppers and brings you qualified offers.
As a buyer, your agent knows the market. They set up appointments for you to see the best properties according to your specifications. They save you the leg work and negotiate on your behalf. Agents often can get you more for your money. You may be a negotiating pro, but, do you have real estate negotiating knowledge? Do you have the professional expertise that could make that home yours vs losing that home to another buyer?
As a renter, your agent has a pulse on the rental market in your area. They know what buildings are like, the neighborhoods, the amenities, and much more. Your agent negotiates the best possible lease for you. Your agent protects you.
Real estate agents have market knowledge.By looking at your newspaper and reading the Internet, you may think you know the prices in your neighborhood. Your professional agent has up to the minute knowledge of what's happening in your neighborhood. And ... they know your neighborhood's comparable properties and sales. They know market conditions and can present data and information to you that you would have no way of knowing, whether you are a seller, buyer or even renter.
Real estate agents work for you. Professional agents qualify buyers. Would you want an offer only to find out the buyers can't afford to buy your home?The paperwork of selling, buying or renting a home can be daunting. When doing this paperwork on your own, one mistake could be the most expensive mistake you've ever made. It could even have legal implications.
Professional real estate agents handle all of the necessary paperwork needed to make your sale, purchase or rental a successful and smooth transaction. A good agent is there for you every step of the way ... including being there for you after your closing.Whether you have questions or any issue related to your property, they re there to assist you.A good agent is worth their weight in gold. And that good agent will be there for you in the future or for anyone you refer to them.
Hot New Housing Developments in Manhattan
The rest of the country may be lukewarm, and some places even cold … but New York City is at the top of its game in new multi-unit residential real estate sales developments.
From 2004 – 2006, 29,245 permits were issued in New York City according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
Many fear buying because of the “slowdown market” they hear in the media. While there’s a slowdown in the residential sales market across the country …that’s not true of New York City. New York City real estate is hot right now.
Developers are building all over New York City. Halstead Property, LLC the firm that I am proud to be associated with, has established itself as a major player in this highly competitive arena of Manhattan residential brokerage, currently managing 58 new developments. Eighteen of those are completely sold out.
Many of the new Manhattan condos offer incredible amenity packages. However some of the smaller to mid-size buildings don’t feel it’s necessary.
From Downtown to Harlem, less amenities often lower sales prices and common charges. Lower prices and common charges can make a residence in an A-list neighborhood highly attractive.
Yet, there are those who don’t want the commute between Manhattan and the suburbs, and pay the price for every amenity and more.
Regardless of your amenity choices, Manhattan new housing developments are hot.
From 2004 – 2006, 29,245 permits were issued in New York City according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
Many fear buying because of the “slowdown market” they hear in the media. While there’s a slowdown in the residential sales market across the country …that’s not true of New York City. New York City real estate is hot right now.
Developers are building all over New York City. Halstead Property, LLC the firm that I am proud to be associated with, has established itself as a major player in this highly competitive arena of Manhattan residential brokerage, currently managing 58 new developments. Eighteen of those are completely sold out.
Many of the new Manhattan condos offer incredible amenity packages. However some of the smaller to mid-size buildings don’t feel it’s necessary.
From Downtown to Harlem, less amenities often lower sales prices and common charges. Lower prices and common charges can make a residence in an A-list neighborhood highly attractive.
Yet, there are those who don’t want the commute between Manhattan and the suburbs, and pay the price for every amenity and more.
Regardless of your amenity choices, Manhattan new housing developments are hot.
First Quarter 2008 Market Report
The average Manhattan apartment price jumped 47% over the past year to a record $1,690,995 as a result of an increase in luxury sales. Apartments priced at over $10 million rose 318% from the first quarter in 2007. Closings at 15 Central Park West and the Plaza played a large role in the price increase.
Manhattan Coop prices averaged $1,333,431 - 34% higher than one year ago. Average Manhattan condo sales increased 52% over the past year to $1,997, 108.
View Halstead Property's First Quarter 2008 Market Report
Manhattan Coop prices averaged $1,333,431 - 34% higher than one year ago. Average Manhattan condo sales increased 52% over the past year to $1,997, 108.
View Halstead Property's First Quarter 2008 Market Report
2008 market report,
Market Reports,
New York City,
Ross Ellis
Various Types of New York City Residential Ownership
This type of home ownership, is when one owns shares of stock in a corporation that owns the building. These shares are considered "personal property" similar any other shares of stock. For tax purposes, the IRS has recognized this form of ownership and under normal circumstances any mortgage interest incurred by an owner is considered tax deductible. The corporation (Coop) issues to each shareholder a "proprietary lease" which gives the shareholder the right to occupy their specific apartment. In addition, the corporation elects a board of directors who are responsible for overseeing the daily operations of the building, enforcing the by-laws, and acting of behalf of the shareholders to ensure that the building operates as an efficient entity. Owners pay to the Coop a maintenance fee, which pays for such items as; the buildings Real Estate Taxes, underlying mortgage, payroll, management fees, supplies and general maintenance. In addition, many coops accrue a contingency budget for future capital repairs. Typically, the portion of the maintenance that is attributed to the buildings Real Estate Taxes and mortgage interest are "tax deductible (td)" on your federal and state income tax returns. This "td" may change annually, as the mortgage on the building is amortized and Real Estate Tax charges change.
Additonally, as this type of ownership regards owning stock in a private corporation, approval to purchase such shares of stock must be granted by the board of directors. Thus, a purchase application must be submitted to the board requesting approval to purchase these shares. This application typically requires a minimum of the following: Net worth statement with full backup documentation (bank statements, brokerage and retirement account statements, etc.), 2 years tax returns & W-2's, verification of employment or accountants letter, 2 personal and 2 business letters of reference, landlord reference, a credit check authorization, and a completed application provided by the board. In addition, the board will require an interview in order to meet you and make any inquiries regarding the information you submitted or questions they may have. The board has the right to approve or deny any applicant without cause.
This type of home ownership one owns "Real Property" much like owning a house. The condominium residents elect a "board of managers" who are responsible for overseeing the operations of the building and enforcing the "house rules" of the building. The main difference between owning a "condo" and a "house" is, in addition to owning the apartment, you also own a small percentage of the "common elements" of the building such as the halls, stairwells, basement, etc. Each homeowner receives a separate property tax bill from the city for their unit. In addition, each owner pays a "common charge" to the Condominium association to pay for such items as: payroll, building maintenance and supplies, management fees, and building repairs. In addition, some condominiums maintain a "reserve fund" in order to pay for major repairs and improvements to the building. It is important to note that although the Real Estate Taxes you pay on a condominium apartment are tax deductible, the common charges are not as they are solely to pay for the building operation and are not attributed to any tax deductible expenses.
In recent years many condominiums have implemented a procedure whereby purchasers must submit an application to purchase. Unlike in a coop, the board of managers must either approve the applicant or exercise the condominiums "right of first refusal" to purchase the apartment from the owner. Although this is not a common occurrence, it is an option for the board should they choose to exercise it.
In most condominiums, the owner has the right to sublet or sell their apartment with either no board approval or with a minimum board review. In either case, the board must either approve the applicant or exercise their right of first refusal to match the purchase price. For this reason this form of ownership is very appealing to investors, foreign buyers and parents purchasing for their children.
By definition, a Cond-op is a residential Cooperative where the ground floor (typically commercial units) is converted into a separate "condominium" which is either owned by an outside investor or the original sponsor of the building. Thus, although the residential units are a coop, the commercial units are owned as a condominium by an entity other than the coop. Thus, the coop does not receive the benefit of the income from these units.
Many times, people will refer to Cooperatives that operate under Condominium rules as "Cond-ops". This is not accurate although you will hear this quite often. A Cooperative that operates under condominium rules is just that but may be inaccurately referred to as a "Cond-op".
This type of ownership provides the owner with a "fee simple" ownership of Real Property. The owner is responsible for payment of all Real Estate Taxes, maintenance and repairs of the property. The sale of the property may be conveyed to any party without prior approval by anyone other than the homeowner. There are two typical types of Townhouses; single family and multiple family. In a single family the property may only be occupied by one family although the entire house may be rented to another single (or family) user. In a multiple family residence, the owner may occupy (or lease out) one of the units while leasing out the other units as income producing entities.
This type of home ownership, is when one owns shares of stock in a corporation that owns the building. These shares are considered "personal property" similar any other shares of stock. For tax purposes, the IRS has recognized this form of ownership and under normal circumstances any mortgage interest incurred by an owner is considered tax deductible. The corporation (Coop) issues to each shareholder a "proprietary lease" which gives the shareholder the right to occupy their specific apartment. In addition, the corporation elects a board of directors who are responsible for overseeing the daily operations of the building, enforcing the by-laws, and acting of behalf of the shareholders to ensure that the building operates as an efficient entity. Owners pay to the Coop a maintenance fee, which pays for such items as; the buildings Real Estate Taxes, underlying mortgage, payroll, management fees, supplies and general maintenance. In addition, many coops accrue a contingency budget for future capital repairs. Typically, the portion of the maintenance that is attributed to the buildings Real Estate Taxes and mortgage interest are "tax deductible (td)" on your federal and state income tax returns. This "td" may change annually, as the mortgage on the building is amortized and Real Estate Tax charges change.
Additonally, as this type of ownership regards owning stock in a private corporation, approval to purchase such shares of stock must be granted by the board of directors. Thus, a purchase application must be submitted to the board requesting approval to purchase these shares. This application typically requires a minimum of the following: Net worth statement with full backup documentation (bank statements, brokerage and retirement account statements, etc.), 2 years tax returns & W-2's, verification of employment or accountants letter, 2 personal and 2 business letters of reference, landlord reference, a credit check authorization, and a completed application provided by the board. In addition, the board will require an interview in order to meet you and make any inquiries regarding the information you submitted or questions they may have. The board has the right to approve or deny any applicant without cause.
This type of home ownership one owns "Real Property" much like owning a house. The condominium residents elect a "board of managers" who are responsible for overseeing the operations of the building and enforcing the "house rules" of the building. The main difference between owning a "condo" and a "house" is, in addition to owning the apartment, you also own a small percentage of the "common elements" of the building such as the halls, stairwells, basement, etc. Each homeowner receives a separate property tax bill from the city for their unit. In addition, each owner pays a "common charge" to the Condominium association to pay for such items as: payroll, building maintenance and supplies, management fees, and building repairs. In addition, some condominiums maintain a "reserve fund" in order to pay for major repairs and improvements to the building. It is important to note that although the Real Estate Taxes you pay on a condominium apartment are tax deductible, the common charges are not as they are solely to pay for the building operation and are not attributed to any tax deductible expenses.
In recent years many condominiums have implemented a procedure whereby purchasers must submit an application to purchase. Unlike in a coop, the board of managers must either approve the applicant or exercise the condominiums "right of first refusal" to purchase the apartment from the owner. Although this is not a common occurrence, it is an option for the board should they choose to exercise it.
In most condominiums, the owner has the right to sublet or sell their apartment with either no board approval or with a minimum board review. In either case, the board must either approve the applicant or exercise their right of first refusal to match the purchase price. For this reason this form of ownership is very appealing to investors, foreign buyers and parents purchasing for their children.
By definition, a Cond-op is a residential Cooperative where the ground floor (typically commercial units) is converted into a separate "condominium" which is either owned by an outside investor or the original sponsor of the building. Thus, although the residential units are a coop, the commercial units are owned as a condominium by an entity other than the coop. Thus, the coop does not receive the benefit of the income from these units.
Many times, people will refer to Cooperatives that operate under Condominium rules as "Cond-ops". This is not accurate although you will hear this quite often. A Cooperative that operates under condominium rules is just that but may be inaccurately referred to as a "Cond-op".
This type of ownership provides the owner with a "fee simple" ownership of Real Property. The owner is responsible for payment of all Real Estate Taxes, maintenance and repairs of the property. The sale of the property may be conveyed to any party without prior approval by anyone other than the homeowner. There are two typical types of Townhouses; single family and multiple family. In a single family the property may only be occupied by one family although the entire house may be rented to another single (or family) user. In a multiple family residence, the owner may occupy (or lease out) one of the units while leasing out the other units as income producing entities.
New York City,
Real Estate,
Ross Ellis
Global Investors and Buyers Love Manhattan
With the rest of the country in a real estate slump, that's hardly the case for Manhattan.
A great deal of money is being spent on very expensive apartments in Manhattan. The average price of a Manhattan apartment rose over the past year to a record $1,690,995, fueled by an increasing share in luxury sales. Sales of apartments priced over $10 million jumped 318% from the first quarter of 2007. Closings at 15 Central Park West and The Plaza played the most significant role, and removing them from the average price would bring it down to $1,417,496. The median price, which is not as affected by increased high-end sales, was up just 13% over the past year.
The rapid weakening of the U.S. dollar against the British pound sterling and the euro noticeably lowers the cost of New York real estate for Europeans. And with the U.S. dollar weakening 2 percent against the Japanese yen, international buyers have become a core of Manhattan homebuyers - especially for two and three bedroom apartments or larger.
Foreigners are abundant on the streets of New York, buying everything from apartments to clothing. A huge arrival of Manhattan buyers from Europe, Japan, Korea and Russia have joined the ranks of Manhattan homeowners.
Manhattan boasts some of the most prominent addresses such as The Plaza and Central Park West which are averaging $3,500-4,000 a square foot. In London these same properties would sell at over $6000 a square foot.
The growing influx of foreigners buying homes in New York City for work and play and as investments is rapidly growing. According to the National Association of Realtors, "One in 5 Realtors in the U.S. has sold a home to a foreign investor in the last year."
Global investors are looking for places to invest their cash. And Manhattan is just the place for these investments ... with another record in apartment sales in 2008 thus far.
Now is definitely the time to buy real estate in Manhattan.
A great deal of money is being spent on very expensive apartments in Manhattan. The average price of a Manhattan apartment rose over the past year to a record $1,690,995, fueled by an increasing share in luxury sales. Sales of apartments priced over $10 million jumped 318% from the first quarter of 2007. Closings at 15 Central Park West and The Plaza played the most significant role, and removing them from the average price would bring it down to $1,417,496. The median price, which is not as affected by increased high-end sales, was up just 13% over the past year.
The rapid weakening of the U.S. dollar against the British pound sterling and the euro noticeably lowers the cost of New York real estate for Europeans. And with the U.S. dollar weakening 2 percent against the Japanese yen, international buyers have become a core of Manhattan homebuyers - especially for two and three bedroom apartments or larger.
Foreigners are abundant on the streets of New York, buying everything from apartments to clothing. A huge arrival of Manhattan buyers from Europe, Japan, Korea and Russia have joined the ranks of Manhattan homeowners.
Manhattan boasts some of the most prominent addresses such as The Plaza and Central Park West which are averaging $3,500-4,000 a square foot. In London these same properties would sell at over $6000 a square foot.
The growing influx of foreigners buying homes in New York City for work and play and as investments is rapidly growing. According to the National Association of Realtors, "One in 5 Realtors in the U.S. has sold a home to a foreign investor in the last year."
Global investors are looking for places to invest their cash. And Manhattan is just the place for these investments ... with another record in apartment sales in 2008 thus far.
Now is definitely the time to buy real estate in Manhattan.
Foreign Buyers,
New York City,
Real Estate,
Ross Ellis
Showing Your Home To Sell
Selling your home is like a job interview. You want to make a great impression!
I cannot begin to describe the number of instances, where I have gone to preview a seller's home or brought a buyer and even renter - only to find the home dirty, dishes in the sink, food left on the kitchen counter, toys ALL over the house beds unmade, etc.
Do not assume it doesn't matter. It does!!!!!
People are coming to inspect your home to see if they want to purchase it. By making a good impression, you increase the chances of getting your home sold or even rented,
The home for sale or rent should be clean, uncluttered, beds made and toys put away.
If you have pets, realize that many people are allergic to pets, and that shedding dog fur and cat dander are everywhere. When showing your home, pets should not be at home. That's what friends, relatives and kennels are for - to help you with those darling fluffy family members!
Additionally, your home should be completely fur and dander cleansed. It should not be obvious to a potential buyer that you have pets living in your home.
If your home needs additional sprucing up, do consider a new coat of paint and staging! It works wonders.
Home staging is preparing a home prior to putting it on the market for sale.
Why stage your home? Staging a home can ensure a quick sale.
You may love the way your home looks, but potential buyers may not. When selling your home, staging it professionally can make your home more appealing and more attractive. It depersonalizes your home, reduces its flaws and very often, raises the value of your home. Very often it can bring a higher purchase price.
With shows like HGTV's ‘Designed To Sell', "Bought and Sold", "Get It Sold", "Buy Me" and TLC's "Flip This House" home owners looking to sell their home, can learn valuable staging information that could be the difference of one's home being sold quickly, or sitting on the market for a long time.
As a professional real estate agent, I have seen buyers cringe at red walls, pink bathrooms, clutter and other people's pictures and momentos. Although this is important to the seller, sellers should not take this personally. Buyers want to see neutral, clean and uncluttered living spaces that they can envision themselves living in.
You can find professional home stagers in most cities by searching the Internet or letting your fingers do the walking in the yellow pages. You can also find these stagers from an accredited home staging school. One of the best ways to find a good professional home stager is to ask your broker. Brokers know the best stagers in their area.
Let the stagers do their job ... regardless of whether you agree with their choices or not.
If you prefer to do the staging yourself:
I cannot begin to describe the number of instances, where I have gone to preview a seller's home or brought a buyer and even renter - only to find the home dirty, dishes in the sink, food left on the kitchen counter, toys ALL over the house beds unmade, etc.
Do not assume it doesn't matter. It does!!!!!
People are coming to inspect your home to see if they want to purchase it. By making a good impression, you increase the chances of getting your home sold or even rented,
The home for sale or rent should be clean, uncluttered, beds made and toys put away.
If you have pets, realize that many people are allergic to pets, and that shedding dog fur and cat dander are everywhere. When showing your home, pets should not be at home. That's what friends, relatives and kennels are for - to help you with those darling fluffy family members!
Additionally, your home should be completely fur and dander cleansed. It should not be obvious to a potential buyer that you have pets living in your home.
If your home needs additional sprucing up, do consider a new coat of paint and staging! It works wonders.
Home staging is preparing a home prior to putting it on the market for sale.
Why stage your home? Staging a home can ensure a quick sale.
You may love the way your home looks, but potential buyers may not. When selling your home, staging it professionally can make your home more appealing and more attractive. It depersonalizes your home, reduces its flaws and very often, raises the value of your home. Very often it can bring a higher purchase price.
With shows like HGTV's ‘Designed To Sell', "Bought and Sold", "Get It Sold", "Buy Me" and TLC's "Flip This House" home owners looking to sell their home, can learn valuable staging information that could be the difference of one's home being sold quickly, or sitting on the market for a long time.
As a professional real estate agent, I have seen buyers cringe at red walls, pink bathrooms, clutter and other people's pictures and momentos. Although this is important to the seller, sellers should not take this personally. Buyers want to see neutral, clean and uncluttered living spaces that they can envision themselves living in.
You can find professional home stagers in most cities by searching the Internet or letting your fingers do the walking in the yellow pages. You can also find these stagers from an accredited home staging school. One of the best ways to find a good professional home stager is to ask your broker. Brokers know the best stagers in their area.
Let the stagers do their job ... regardless of whether you agree with their choices or not.
If you prefer to do the staging yourself:
- Get rid of clutter
- Put away photos and momentos
- If you have children, their toys should not be visible
- Clean and light fireplaces so they look inviting
- Clear kitchen and bathroom counters
- If it's outdated, it should go
- Walls and carpeting should be neutral
- If furniture is oversized, put some in storage
- If you have pets, be sure to vacuum away all pet hair and dander, remove kitty litter boxes, bowls of food and water, and spray your home. There should be no telltale signs of pets in your home.
Make your home appealing. Keep it neat and clean and light scented candles when potential buyers are coming over to see your home. The seller should not be present. Only the brokers and potential buyers should be there.
Remember ... a clean and uncluttered home that is attractive and inviting, is a home ready to be sold!
Add value to your home so it sells!
getting your price,
Ross Ellis,
selling your home,
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